CGS 2019 Year End Goals Recap

I seriously can’t believe! Another year has come and gone! More dramatically, another decade has come and gone!

The last day of 2019 is here, and that means it’s time to take stock of how the year went. There is no better day than today to assess how your year went, in terms of finances, goals and life in general. Did you reach your goals? Did new goals come into play that you didn’t originally plan for?

In 2019, we added 1,200 newsletter subscribers.
In 2019, we averaged 15,300 monthly readers with 184,000 page views.
In 2019, we completed 112 consultations, created 59 budget plans, and coached 25 clients.
In 2019, we increased revenue by 106%.
In 2019, we published 119 articles.
In 2019, we increased our Instagram followers by 13,350.
In 2019, we increased our Pinterest followers by 750.
In 2019, we increased our CGS Facebook Group to 1,694 members.

Thank you for all of the continued support! We couldn’t have had as great of a year as we did without you! This is paving the way for an even better 2020! What are some of the things you accomplished this year? Have you thought about your 2020 goals already? Post a comment to share your thoughts on our success, and yours too!

The CGS Team



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