Author name: Raya Reaves

Raya Reaves is the Founder and Finance Coach of City Girl Savings, LLC. Raya launched City Girl Savings in 2015 as a resource for women from all walks of life to learn about personal finance and money management. Raya teaches women how to create and stick to realistic budget plans to reach their financial goals. Raya resides in Austin, Texas with her boyfriend and two Yorkie dogs.

7 Financial Filing Routines to Implement ASAP

When it comes to financial organization, the more financial filing routines you have in place, the more in control you’ll feel about your financial situation. While a lot of financial filing routines aren’t 100% necessary, each routine you do implement will save you time, stress and hopefully a little money! Make sure you check out […]

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4 Ways Your Health Can Save You Money in the Future

Health is wealth. Seriously, what good is having money if you can’t enjoy it. Or worse, you won’t be around to enjoy it! The earlier you start prioritizing your health, the more money you can save your future self. Keeping the present focus on your health can help you save money in the future. Because

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5 Things Women Should Know About Investing

According to a Women and Investing in 2023 Research study, women investors get better investing returns than men, with studies finding differences of 0.4% to nearly 1%. However, women aren’t as confident as men in their investing abilities and demonstrate lower levels of investing knowledge. Us women are doubting our abilities! That’s heartbreaking because we

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