Author name: Raya Reaves

Raya Reaves is the Founder and Finance Coach of City Girl Savings, LLC. Raya launched City Girl Savings in 2015 as a resource for women from all walks of life to learn about personal finance and money management. Raya teaches women how to create and stick to realistic budget plans to reach their financial goals. Raya resides in Austin, Texas with her boyfriend and two Yorkie dogs.

7 Ideas to Help You Appreciate Your Money

Have you ever been intentional with consistent gratitude? Meaning, every day you acknowledge the things you’re grateful for, for an extended period of time. If you have been intentional with gratitude and appreciation, you probably have noticed the benefits. The more grateful you are, the more you seem to have and the happier you seem […]

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5 Toxic Money Behaviors Hurting Your Bottom Line

In financial terms, your “bottom line” essentially means your profit. Whether it’s what’s left after you’ve allocated your income to expenses and spending in the month (via your budget). Or, if you’re calculating your net worth by deducting your total debts from your total assets. Either way, we want our “bottom line” number to be

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