7 Black Finance Influencers to Follow

7 Black Finance Influencers to Follow

February is Black History Month and I think the perfect way to kick off the month is to feature some of my favorite black finance influencers.

These 7 individuals are making a name for themselves virtually in the finance space, thanks to their tips, advice, humor and more.

I’m fortunate enough to have met some of these people in person (thanks to FinCon) or worked with them virtually, and I’m happy to introduce you to them!

Whether you’ve heard of these 7 individuals or not, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll enjoy their content like I do! Keep reading for 7 black finance influencers to follow and leverage on your own financial growth journey!

7 Black Finance Influencers to Follow

Alaina Fingal — @theorganizedmoney

I’ve already worked with Alaina on several occasions! We hosted a Spring Clean Your Finances workshop together a few years back, and she was a guest on the City Girl Savings podcast recently!

What I love about Alaina is her planning approach to life and money! She’s a planner by heart and shows her audience how to plan their life and money in the most organized way possible.

There’s so much knowledge to be learned when it comes to organizing, and Alaina provides it!

Tela Holcomb — @telaholcomb

Looking to up your investment knowledge? Tela Holcomb is your girl! While I only know Tela virtually, her content around investing and ditching the 9-to-5 life is so inspiring!

She teaches her audience how to get started with the stock market, and eventually make a living from it.

Duke Moore — @dukelovestaxes

Duke and I met at FinCon last year! Duke creates amazing and hilarious content about the tax industry. Most of his audience is on TikTok, and he shares great information on Instagram too.

If you’re looking to become savvier with taxes, whether saving money or staying up to date with the latest news, Duke has you covered!

Dyana — @moneybossmama

The money boss mama Dyana is a single mother who helps her audience think differently when it comes to money. Dyana and I are in similar niches, and I love her approach to parenting and money.

She helps her children learn about money and put themselves in a position to succeed as adults.

Tiffany Aliche — @thebudgetnista

Tiffany is considered an OG of the financial influencer space! She continues to provide millions of people knowledge on improving their financial lives.

Dubbed The Budgetnista, Tiffany takes a holistic approach to teaching about money. She helps her audience with all aspects of the financial freedom journey.

Andre Albritton — @themillennialsnextdoor

Want to learn more about real-estate investing? What about the stock market or boosting your net worth?

Andre has a slew of resources dedicated to helping people build their wealth for the long haul. You can also catch him on his very own podcast, The Flavor Podcast!

Andre also has a great online course all about how to get started with investing. He’s a great resource if you want to add money-making streams!

Carmen — @makerealcents

Carmen is such an inspiration! Not because she’s wiped out nearly $60k in debt in a few short years, but also because her approach to money and finance is as real as it gets!

Her tips and advice are easy for anyone to follow. She doesn’t focus on one area of money, but all of them – crypto included! Soak up her knowledge and take in some of her funny reels too!

Related: Top 6 Financial Blogs for Women

That rounds out my list of 7 black finance influencers to follow!

While there are plenty of other people of color in the finance space, I wanted to share the ones who’ve resonated most with me!

I’d love to hear about some of your favorite black influencers (whether they’re in the finance space or not), so drop a comment below to share!

The CGS Team



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