How One Client Increased Her Net Worth by 5 Figures

City Girl Savings has been around since 2015, and since its inception, I have been 100% focused on helping as many women succeed financially as I can. I do this quite a few different ways, but the most impactful way is through my financial coaching.

In case you didn’t know, I have a 12-week, one-on-one coaching program, where I work with clients on a weekly basis to improve their financial situation. We start by setting up a proper, realistic budget. Then, my clients are required to track their spending, using my expense-tracking system that is tied to the budget we set up.

Throughout the 12 weeks, we are able to see exactly where their money is going. We’re able to make budget adjustments as new data comes in. We work through any poor spending or impulse purchase habits. We also work through any mindset issues that could be holding the client back.

Trust me, a lot can happen in 3 months…with the right guide, path and coach! 😉 That’s what happened to my client Brittany! More than she ever thought possible happened in just over 3 months.

Brittany’s Story

Before Brittany and I started working together, she had actually started with a budget plan that I created for her (about 9 months ago). She had tried to follow it on her own, but things just weren’t clicking.

She wasn’t able to control her spending. She would put too much money into savings, only to end up using her credit cards because of it. She was surrounded by friends and family who didn’t encourage her to do the right things with her money.

When Brittany scheduled a free consultation with me back in April, she was at the point where something had to change. She invested in my coaching program on the spot.

Throughout our 3 months together, we met every single week. Brittany has tracked every penny that was spent. We budgeted out each paycheck to ensure responsibilities were covered, debts were paid, and money was saved. We also made sure to budget in some fun spending for Brittany (you know how important I think that is)!

Over the course of the 3 months we worked together, Brittany was able to increase her assets (checking, savings, retirement, investments, etc.) by $3200. She was also able to decrease her debts by $6700. That equals a net worth increase of nearly $10,000!

THAT is the power of proper budgeting and money management.

Brittany’s Testimonial

Here are a few additional things Brittany had to say about me and the coaching program:

“Raya’s one-on-one coaching program is wonderful. I loved the weekly phone calls and the budget file that we could both access to help share information back and forth.

Raya is a kind person who wants the best for her clients and very easy to talk to. I love that she would sometimes ask why do I think I made that choice and always reminded me to be intentional with each dollar.

She was showing me things I could do with my money that I didn’t even know was possible with a little discipline. During the program, I was able to save $1000 in an emergency fund. I was able to pay for a family vacation.

I no longer think of my credit card as extra money to use for spending since I now “pretend” I only have to live on the cash from my paycheck. I know that if I was faced with a $1000 emergency, I could cover it without using credit cards.

If you’re thinking of working with Raya, invest in yourself, invest in the knowledge, and invest in Raya. It will be worth it to have someone who doesn’t judge you or pressure you to spend money because she is interested in helping us meet our financial goals and nothing else!”

How You Can Achieve This Kind of Success

I greatly appreciate Brittany’s words! That is exactly what I strive for with each and every client. Interested in having the same kind of success as Brittany? It all starts with taking action.

Get yourself set up on a budget plan. Start tracking your spending. Discipline yourself when it comes to your purchases. Work with someone who can hold you accountable. You must put yourself in a position to succeed, if you want success!

Sometimes it can be tough when you feel like you don’t know where to start, but you can’t let that stop you from getting started. There is so much information available to us all – you can figure out anything! You can always reach out to me if you need some guidance!

Schedule a free consultation with me and let’s get you set up for financial success and increase your net worth!

Related: See all CGS Client Testimonials

 I hope Brittany’s story inspires you to take action in your own situation. We can sit back and let time pass us by without doing anything, or we can take control of our lives and start working towards the things we want most! What are you doing to improve your net worth? When it comes to getting ahead financially, what do you think is stopping you? Drop a comment below to share your questions and experiences!

The CGS Team



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