CGS Exclusive Interview with Candi Naturals owner Candi Cotton

CGS Exclusive Interview with Candi Naturals owner Candi Cotton

The CGS Team is proud to present an exclusive interview with Owner and CEO of Candi Naturals, Candi Cotton. Candi Naturals is a raw, all natural and handmade bath and body shop. 


All of the products are chemical-free and contain natural ingredients. In fact, Candi Naturals products will make your skin softer over time! Not only does Candi Naturals create products for bath and body, but you can also find products for hair, exfoliation, baby, pets, and a mist for your home.

Today, we are talking with Candi about the business, finances, and how she manages it all! If any of you City Girls are looking to start your own business someday, definitely take Candi’s advice!


CGS: What inspired you to start Candi Naturals as a formal business?

Candi Cotton: I have always had a great passion for creation and science. When I was in grade school I would always win the science projects. This was an annual project amongst the entire school K-6 and I won 3 times in a row. Not only did I win but also I was able to help other children with their science projects.

It’s something I feel comes very natural. Being able to use elements and God’s all natural creations to make something that helps and improves was a strong desire for me.

So I decided to create a bath and body shop to help people who have struggled with bad skin, dry skin, and any other skin disorders. I believe our medicine is nature. Our skin is the most important organ on our body so it is very important that we take care of it and nourish it.

Anything that you put on your skin absorbs into your body. Most people don’t realize this. I started to make body scrubs and moisturizers for local people in my neighborhood.

More and more people began to request different orders. I love to experiment so I said, “sure I can make that.”

I created many of my own recipes as well as others I have researched. That is when I knew this was a gift and talent and something I wanted to take more seriously that is when I created Candi Naturals. My passion for beauty and science is what inspired me.

CGS: If running Candi Naturals is your full-time job, what was the turning point in leaving behind your other work to focus solely on Candi Naturals?

Candi Cotton: It takes money to make money. I understood that and knew what my obligations and priorities were. I have my B. A. in Psychology so I had a career in child therapy.

I loved being around children and helping them progress, but I knew it was something else that I also enjoyed. So during my breaks and days off I did research on how I could start a business and what setbacks and sacrifices I would need to accomplish this.

I saved and saved and once I had enough, I invested in my business. It’s still a growing process and I am learning every day. I am a firm believer in there is no plan B. So for me to really believe in myself and in my brand, my sacrifices were to leave my old job behind and take a leap of faith, and I did just that.

CGS: Starting a business is not cheap or easy! What advice would you give to other women who are looking to start a business?

Candi Cotton: The best advice I can give is to research, research and more research. There are tons of ways to start a business without going broke; although at first plan on spending more money than you earn.

You have to have patience and you have to know that it will not be easy. Dedication and hard work are very important. There is always someone out there willing to give you advice.

Trust your instincts and if it is a strong passion then it will all fall into place. I also say don’t do it for the money but for the love. Do it because it is something you really love to do, then everything shall come.

CGS: City Girl Savings was created to help women become financially knowledgeable and independent. In your opinion, how important is it for women to save?

Candi Cotton: Saving is important but I believe investing is way more important. What good is $10,000 if it is just sitting? There are so many ways to turn $10,000 into $20,000 or even $50,000.

I think investing serves more potential than saving, but you have to make sure what you are investing in. So research is so important and experience helps as well. Not all investments are good, so you will learn along the way.

CGS: City Girl Savings also promotes a healthy and fashionable lifestyle while staying within one’s means. Which specific Candi Naturals skin and hair products would you recommend?

Candi Cotton: Candi Naturals has a variety of products that target so much with a woman’s hair and body. Our most popular product and the best seller right now are our Coffee Scrubs. This is due to the amount of benefits it offers, and it being 100% natural.

My business is expanding weekly, I am always thinking of something new to create. Since my theme is Bakery, my next project will be Caramel Apple Soap Sticks! 🙂

CGS: Where do you see yourself and Candi Naturals in the next 5 years?

Candi Cotton: I am very optimistic although I understand that there will always be road bumps. That being said, I believe Candi Naturals will be the next big brand that you will see in stores like Target and even Macy’s.

I believe that Candi Naturals will become a household name and it will definitely be around for generations to come. I plan to open up several stores around the globe; these stores will be very unique, vintage bakery bath shops, and something you’ve never seen before!

I see myself on Oprah’s couch explaining to her why you can’t eat my Ice Cream Shea Body Butter, even though it looks and smells just like ICE CREAM! 🙂



CEO Candi Cotton!







Follow Candi Naturals!

For more information on the products offered by Candi Naturals, visit their website and follow them on social media!


Twitter: @CandiNaturals

Instagram: @CandiNaturals

Facebook: Candi Naturals

Add @candinaturals in the CGS Community! Also, CGS Members get 20% off their entire Candi Naturals purchase! Visit the CGS Member Discounts page to learn more.

Related: 5 Natural Makeup Lines to Look Into

—The CGS Team



3 thoughts on “CGS Exclusive Interview with Candi Naturals owner Candi Cotton”

  1. This is definitely inspiring. 1st because she went after what she wanted and 2nd because she’s actually doing something that she loves so it probably never feels like work to her. I will be visiting her site because I’m all about healthy skin and hair and finding natural ways to treat my hair and make it more healthy. Thanks for sharing Candi!

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