#66: Why Your Happiness Should Be First Priority

I see it all the time – whether it’s my clients, my friends or myself, we’re constantly putting other people’s needs and feelings above our own. They don’t make happiness a priority for themselves.

While both men and women do this, it’s especially prominent in women.

We make sure everyone else is okay, leaving our own happiness on the backburner.

At the end of the day, I firmly believe that our own individual happiness should be a top priority.

This will make it so much easier to help other people we care about.

In this episode, I’m sharing why your happiness should be first priority and how to make sure you’re putting yourself first without making other people feel neglected.

There are things we can all do to make sure we prioritize our own happiness. And remember, It’s so much harder to fill someone else’s cup when your own cup is empty.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [02:25] If we can’t love ourselves and prioritize our own happiness, how can we expect others to?
  • [04:24] A common misconception about prioritizing your happiness means that you’re selfish. This is not the case, but communication can make all the difference.
  • [09:15] Doing things that make you happy helps in so many ways, just make sure these things are included in your budget.
  • [10:37] Working towards goals that matter to you is a great way to prioritize your own happiness.
  • [12:00] Share with friends and family that you’re prioritizing yourself. Your happiness should also mean something to them.

Click here to listen!

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1 thought on “#66: Why Your Happiness Should Be First Priority”

  1. That podcast was very powerful and truly enlightening. I was always putting others first regardless of what it cost me. When I think back, I should’ve explained the situation I would be putting myself in by helping them. I always felt everyone’s situation / problems were far worse than mine. This brought back so many memories ( both good & bad ). It’s nice that you addressed this issue and I now know how to better handle this situation the next time it happens. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. You are truly a blessing from above.

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