#61: What Prioritizing Self-Care Looks Like for Me and My Budget

Health is wealth. Seriously, if we’re not healthy, it doesn’t matter how much money we have, we won’t be able to fully enjoy it.

One way to make sure you stay mentally and physically healthy is by prioritizing self-care.

That’s going to look different for everyone, but in today’s episode, I’m sharing what prioritizing self-care looks like for me and my budget.

My hope is that you can take the strategies I use and apply them to your own life and budget, or tweak them to work for you!

What I love about self-care is that it doesn’t always need to cost you money. I’m sharing some of the costly and no-cost ways I prioritize self-care for myself and what impacts, if any, it makes on my budget.

At the end of the day, if we skimp on the self-care, we’ll feel it negatively in multiple ways.

Get ready to be inspired when it comes to prioritizing your own self-care.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [02:48] Raya answers a City Girl Solutions question about changing one listener’s money mindset from one of excess spending to one of intentional spending.
  • [05:09] I don’t always have my hair and makeup done, so getting regular lash extensions is a way for me to feel good and presentable.
  • [06:50] Prioritizing self-care on a less frequent basis includes me saving for travel – even if I don’t have any trips planned.
  • [11:20] I enjoy having my iced coffees on a regular basis, so a majority of my Dining Out budget goes to regular coffees.
  • [13:35] Extra saving, in preparation for a trip, typically requires me to reduce my regular discretionary spending.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen to Episode #30 – Vacation Planning on a Budget

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