6 Tips to Stay Consistent with Using a Planner

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who have a planner to look like they are serious, and those who have planners because they take their lives seriously. 

Mind you, there is nothing wrong with not having a planner or better yet not seeing the need to use one.  Believe it or not, there are folks in this world who can live a functional life and not have to write a single thing down! 

However, I am not that type of person. Everything I do requires a schedule – some call it crazy, but I like to think of it as practical. If you are anything like me, check out these six tips on how you too can stay consistent with using a planner.

#1 Schedule it 
As soon something comes up or crosses your mind, jot it down in your planner right then and there. The chances of you remembering to add it later are slim to none. 

There are so many things that come up within the functional eight-hour workday that an item can easily slip through the cracks.  Many times folks don’t even bother to schedule an agenda item because they don’t think they will make it, only to turn around and find themselves trying to squeeze something in at the last minute. 

To become consistent with your planner you have to be willing to use it regularly. 

#2 Use Checklists

Checklists can be fun and beneficial at the same time. Having a checklist in your planner keeps you on track by providing a visible list of the items that you have gotten done and the items that still require your attention. 

Sometimes we have multiple things to do in a day, and think we can remember the full list without writing it down—but instead, other tasks get piled on and we get buried. 

When we use our checklist in our planner, we can refer to which items have been completed, which items are still pending or can wait for another day, and easily add new items as they come up. 

#3 Know Your “Why”

Whatever we do in life, there is a “why.” We eat because we are hungry, we sleep because we need rest, and adding items to your planner should be no different. 

When you add things to your planner, it is to remind you of something important or to keep it on your radar for when the time comes to act on it. It is important to know why you are adding things to your planner and how those items align with your larger goals, relationships, and career plans.

Planners are often used for things like remembering birthdays, paying bills, and scheduling meetings. Although we have smart devices to carry out those actions there is something about writing things down by hand that can keep us focused.

#4 Keep It Simple

There is no single rule to this planner thing. Whatever floats your boat—and by that, I mean everyone has their own preferences for how they like to be reminded of things. 

When you commit yourself to do an activity or task at the same time every day without fail, you are at that moment building a powerful habit that will grow and help you to get the desired results you are after. 

Some prefer to highlight things in the same color to make the connection of the item while others prefer to use stickers, or different colored inks. Find a simple method of organizing planner entries that works for you!

#5 Plan For Failure

When you plan, you should also plan for failure. When you run into a problem, you get an opportunity to learn how to fix problems. You are not jinxing yourself when you are preparing for the worst.  

We run into obstacles all the time, but how we approach them is what defines us. It is important to not allow yourself to get emotionally down. 

Life happens, so if you get sick and stop planning for a week, or God forbid if you lost your planner do not let this discourage you—you will find a way to bounce back. Every time you write something down, do so with intention and be as detailed as you can.

#6 Keep It Visual 

Planners are fun, and being creative with your planner will help your productivity as well. If you want to be more organized, color-coding is highly recommended and may be helpful. Remember, using a planner is all about improving your life and making it easier. 

Out of sight, out of mind can keep you from really utilizing your planner to its full ability. When your planner is visible and easily accessible, that will help you use your planner more consistently. 

Related: How to Properly Plan Your Week

Staying consistent with using a planner is easier than one may think. My advice is to get one that can go anywhere with you! Finding a planner that has all the functionalities you require will ensure you use it and keep your work-life balance on point. 

Planners come in all shapes sizes, and colors so I like to find one that can fit in my bag and that is easily accessible when on the go. What types would you share with the City Girl Savings community that you found helpful? Do you use a planner? If not, how do you stay a boss babe? 

Check us out on our Facebook group, as well as our other social channels via Instagram and Twitter @citygirlsavings. 

The CGS Team



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