6 Tips for a Perfectly Organized Closet

6 Tips for a Perfectly Organized Closet

Speaking as a self-diagnosed shopaholic; it is with slight pride that I say; my bedroom is a walk-in closet with a bed! I have two closets, a six-drawer, two shelving unit, and an exposed rolling rack. Now, you would think that with all these wonderful things in my room it would be organization central. Think again ladies, a perfectly organized closet is harder than it looks!

I have so much more clothes than I have space for. It was time to take my room back, so I de-hoarded, purged, and reorganized. Your situation may not be as crazy as mine was; I can’t imagine anyone’s closet being as insane as mine was. Whether you’re looking to do a light spruce up or a total spring cleaning, here are six tips to get your closet perfectly organized.

Divide and Conquer

Dividers are a great way to organize your shelves and drawers. You can buy them or make them out of shoe boxes and other household items. Separating your pieces allows you to organize what you currently have, and makes them easily accessible!

Little Treasures

Place small jewelry in trays to keep them together and easy to find. Hang necklaces on hooks where you can see them. TJ Maxx, Marshall’s and Ross have really cute jewelry hangers. This jewelry organizer from Amazon is also great!

Dump it

If you haven’t worn it in the past six months and you know it’s just going to keep taking up space, let it go. I know, it’s hard. If it has holes or is on its last thread of life, you don’t need it. If you want to make a little extra cash, sell those still wearable items. A few great apps for that are Poshmark and Letgo. Check out How to Make Money When Clearing Out Your Closet for more ways to make some cash from your old things.

Fold and Stack

Believe it or not, the way you fold your clothes makes a huge difference when it comes to space. Stack your clothes facing upwards in drawers so you can see what’s inside. When stacking on shelves, place clothes facing outward.

Organize by Style

Placing same style clothing together will make it easier to find and pull from your closet. Categorize by sleeve length on tops, different style of bottoms, jackets, and accessories. Before you know it, you will know exactly where to look for what you need!

Seasonal Rotation

The best way to organize your closet is by season. Place any off-season clothing in boxes or containers that can be pushed away and out of sight. Make sure to always keep a few transitional pieces out anytime of the year. Nothing is worse than going through containers (when you’re in a hurry) to find something!


Now that you have the tools, I leave you with a few wise parting words of a shopaholic. Getting rid of old things and organizing your closet, means space for pretty new things. Wink wink! Be sure to give the article Maximize Your Closet Space a read for more tips! How would you describe your closet? What tips can you share when organizing your closet space? Share by leaving a comment below!

The CGS Team



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