6 Skin Care Supplements You Can’t Pass Up

The best way to have great looking makeup is to start with a solid base. With the everyday wear and tear and other damaging elements our faces come into contact with, it can be difficult to always have flawless skin. I know that in a perfect world we would counter these things with eight cups of water a day but unfortunately, that’s not the reality for most of us. Adding these six skin care supplements to your everyday routine, and more importantly taking them consistently, will have your skin #FLAWLESS.


SugarBearHair is all over social media! You may have seen these little blue bears on Instagram or Twitter being endorsed by your favorite celebs. Yeah, sometimes I can be a little skeptical about products that are endorsed by celebs, but these things are the real deal! I have been taking them as directed for about 3 months and I love them. They are full of all the vitamins and nutrients you need to have not only healthy skin, but also healthy hair and nails. Another great thing about these supplements is that they’re 100% vegan.

 Olly Undeniable Beauty Gummy
Olly Undeniable Beauty Gummy can be found at good ol’ Targé (Target). They have a unique blend of vitamins that will give you fresh dewy skin all day long. Aside from including the holy grail of skin vitamins – biotin, these gummies have borage oil and vitamin C in them. Both of which are known for clearing up skin and keeping it healthy.

 Biosil Hair, Skin, and Nails 

This amazing Biosil product comes in two forms: liquid and pill. It’s backed by clinical studies that state how effective the ingredients are to achieving younger looking skin, strong nails and thick hair. Inside are what they call the “three beauty proteins” collagen, elastin, and keratin. Together they create a super combo that will work wonders for your hair, skin and nails.

Coconut Oil

I’ve already shared the 8 ways to use coconut oil and how amazing it is, so it should be no surprise that coconut oil made it onto the list. Whether you rub it on at night before bed or take the pill form throughout the day, this oil will give you a dewy glow that everyone will notice.

Vitamin E Oil

From keeping your lips hydrated to healing your scars, Vitamin E oil has a number of uses that all have one thing in common, your skin. Because it’s such a heavy oil, the best time to use it is at night. Apply a thin layer in place of your moisturizer and go to sleep with it on.

Idebenone-based Products

Idebenone is a chemical compound that does wonders for the skin. It is mostly found in supplements, serums and some moisturizers. Idebenone is an antioxidant that helps fight the harmful effects of the sun and renews skin cells. This compound also has anti-ageing properties. You can find products with idebenone online and in Elizabeth Arden’s Prevage line.

Related: CGS Beauty Picks: Vitamins


Now, go post that #IWokeUpLikeThis selfie on instagram! Tell us which products work best for you and be sure to tag us in your posts @CityGirlSavings!

The CGS Team



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