6 Self-Love Statements to Share with Yourself Daily

Let’s be real. If we can’t be our own biggest cheerleader, can we expect someone else to be? If we can’t love ourselves deeply, can we expect someone else to? If we won’t do those things for ourselves, why would anyone else do it? Even if someone else did it, they couldn’t do it as good as we could do it for ourselves! Okay, I’m getting off my soapbox…I think you get my point. We must love ourselves, first and foremost.

Sadly, negative self-talk, low self-esteem, and comparison can make it hard to prioritize loving on our own self! Let’s vow to break that pattern from this point forward. To help, I’m sharing 6 self-love statements to share with yourself daily. Bonus points if you can look yourself in the mirror while reciting these statements. Eventually, they will become your new belief system!

6 Self-Love Statements to Share with Yourself Daily

#1 “I am capable of overcoming hard things.”

A resilient woman is a force to be reckoned with. Telling yourself that you can overcome hard things is a strong form of self-love and self-respect. This is one of my favorite affirmations to use.

#2 “I love my body and the things it can do for me.”

There’s so much more to our bodies than what they look like. If you’re blessed to have healthy lungs, a healthy heart, and legs that allow you to walk, that is something that should always be appreciated. Show love for your body (and yourself) by recognizing what it can do for you.

#3 “I am a beautiful person, inside and out.”

External beauty fades, but internal beauty shines forever. Love on yourself by affirming that not only are you beautiful on the outside, but you’re beautiful on the inside too!

#4 “I’m blessed to have this life. No one is me and that makes me special.”

No one is you. No one can replace you. No one can serve the way you can. You are special and can’t be replaced. Share some love with yourself by constantly affirming that you’re blessed to be here, in this life, at this time. Remind yourself that no one is you, and that makes you incredibly special!

#5 “I am the kind of person who perseveres in times of adversity.”

Not only can you overcome hard things, but you can also persevere when the going gets tough. What a respectable character trait! That alone should make you appreciate yourself and love the person you are.

#6 “Every day I choose to be a person with values, morals, and integrity.”

Do you go through this world trying to be a good person? Do you strive to live with values and integrity? That is something to be recognized! Shout from the rooftops that you’re always working to be a strong and ethical person. That’s a form of self-love that can never go away!

Related: 9 Self-Affirmations to Channel Your Inner Beauty

I truly hope these self-love statements make you think about your life as a whole, and not just the physical. In fact, you’ll notice that most of the self-love statements I shared have nothing to do with physical form. There’s so much more to us as people than what we look like. Not only do we need to appreciate the outside, but also the inside. That is the key to truly loving yourself.

Do you have any self-love statements or affirmations to share? Which of the self-love statements that I shared resonate most with you? Share your tips, feedback, and thoughts in the Comments section below!

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