5 Surprising Super Foods & Why They’re Good for You

For as long as we can remember we were told to eat our veggies and fruits because they are good for us. There’s no doubt that all fruits and veggies have major benefits, but there are some that lead the pack! The CGS Team has put together a few foods that you may eat everyday that are also considered super-foods. Although most super-foods are falsely advocated by grocery stores, it’s important to shed light on the benefits of eating foods that have been placed in the super-food category. Take a look at the yummy super-foods below and why they are good for you.


Consuming watermelon is great because you get two benefits for the price of one. This particular fruit is low in sugar, and high in vitamins. Watermelons contain a high amount of vitamin A (good for your skin) and vitamin C (good for your immune system), which makes it the perfect fruit to eat in the summer. Whether you enjoy it as a snack or part of a meal, its low in calories and very tasty. Studies suggest watermelon could also potentially lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is great year round! Whether you want to make a shake blend using the ingredient or simply having it with your favorite fruits. This yogurt is full of protein, and a lot of probiotics. Greek Yogurt fills the belly and improves your digestive system. It can also be a great of substitute for other dairy products such as sour cream, mayo, and even cream cheese. Try to stick with the non-flavored, all-natural Greek yogurt to get the best benefits.


Oatmeal is high in fiber and has been known as the ideal breakfast.  This breakfast staple has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, aid in digestion, and even improve metabolism. Oatmeal is known for its antioxidants, and an endless supply of other nutrients. Oatmeal keeps you full longer (so you eat less throughout the day), and it’s been known to reduce the risk of heart disease. Although oatmeal is most commonly consumed as a hot cereal, it can also be eaten as a cold dessert.


Three reasons to eat more lentils: they’re pretty cheap, easy to prepare, and high in protein, iron and other essential nutrients. The slow-burning protein in lentils is also a contributing factor to weight loss. Whether you enjoy them in a soup or as a side dish, lentils can be cooked however you like. The iron in lentils may help fight off anemia, a condition that is common among vegetarians. Lentils keep those bellies full for an extra 2 to 4 hours, making them a key ingredient to controlling hunger and slimming down.


Beets are a great source to pack in those vitamins that you may not consume on a regular basis. This yummy veggie contains plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help fight common diseases and strengthen vital organs. Beets are a highly versatile veggie that can be eaten alone or with a salad. The best-flavored beets are small, with the greens still attached. Beets, like most fruits and vegetables, are low in calories, high in complex carbohydrates, contain no cholesterol and almost no fat.


Who knew the foods we commonly see provide an abundance of properties our bodies need to be their healthiest?  There are plenty of super-foods out there, so stay informed and feed your body what it needs!  Which super foods do you like to eat and how do you prepare them?  Are any of your favorites listed above? If so, how do you enjoy eating it? Leave a comment below to share!

The CGS Team



3 thoughts on “5 Surprising Super Foods & Why They’re Good for You”

  1. I definitely didn’t realize all of the benefits that come from oatmeal and watermelon. Sometimes I’m too focused on the carb count that I miss out on the other great qualities of good food. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Counting calories/carbs are great but def don’t miss out on the nutritious benefits that fruits and veggies have to offer. They are the key to a healthy lifestyle!

  2. Elizabeth Kraker

    Along with Greek yogurt I add oatmeal to fruit smoothies!
    I wish I liked beets but I really don’t at all. Does anyone have a recipe I can try? Maybe it’s the way I’ve eaten them in the past which is from a jar.

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