5 In-the-Moment Mantras to Help You Control Your Spending

We’ve all been there – saying we’re going to control our spending, only to impulsively visit Sephora (or any other retailer) and spend way beyond our means. If I’m being honest, that was a norm for me in my early twenties. I had no form of self-control. No means (or wants) of stopping my unnecessary spending. And no one to hold me accountable for my actions. It led to thousands of dollars’ worth of debt, an almost-eviction, and a true awakening!

Fortunately, I’ve grown so much since then! Now, controlling my spending is basically second nature. However, I know that isn’t the case for everyone. I’m sharing 5 in-the-moment mantras to help you control your spending. If you have a strong desire to impulsively spend, repeat these mantras to yourself and see what happens. Whether you end up making the purchase or not, I guarantee you’ll be more intentional than ever!

Also, make sure you grab a copy of my free Monthly Budget Overview Tracker. It’s hard to control your spending when you don’t even know what your limits are!

5 In-the-Moment Mantras to Help You Control Your Spending

#1 “I am stronger than my urge to spend.”

This mantra is designed to help you remember who is in control – YOU! Your desires, your urges and your impulses are not in control…you are. While fighting urges and impulses can be incredibly difficult, especially if you have mental health disorders, it doesn’t mean you can’t beat them. Leverage this mantra every time you feel like you have no control over your actions.

Repeat to yourself that you are stronger than your urge to spend as many times as you need. If you still feel the urge to spend and don’t want to turn away, that’s okay. The goal is to make using this mantra a consistent habit. Eventually, you will start believing it and acting accordingly.

#2 “I’m saying no to my current self, and yes to my future self.”

I love this mantra, because it puts into perspective that our future needs are more important than our current wants. It’s the exact definition of delayed gratification. This mantra reminds us that saying no to something we don’t need in the present opens the door for us to say yes to the things we value in the future.

Having a “futuristic” mindset when it comes to your money decisions will help you avoid making detrimental mistakes in the present. You will know that your future dream life is more important than anything you can obtain right now, in the present.

#3 “Before I saw this item/menu/service, I didn’t even want it.”

How many times have you gone to Target with the intention of sticking to your list? Only to get there and find 10 other things you didn’t need, but all of a sudden want? We’ve all been there – myself, AKA money coach + CGS founder, included! Retailers know what they’re doing when they place products throughout their stores! Everything is designed for you to purchase more!

What makes this mantra so impactful is the fact that it reminds you that you didn’t even need (or want) more before you decided to pick up the product, order from the restaurant, or respond to a service call. When you can check yourself, by letting yourself know that you had no desire for the product or service to begin with, you can learn to say “no” to purchasing more things you don’t need.

#4 “My money will do better in my bank account than with this store.”

I will admit that this in-the-moment mantra may be the hardest to convince yourself of, but it’s probably the truest of them all! Your money would do SO much better sitting in your bank account than it would sitting in the retailer’s bank account! Do you really want to take your own money and give it to someone else, in exchange for something you don’t need?

Once you start believing this mantra, it will have a powerful effect whenever you use it. It’s a great reminder that our money will always do better when it stays with us.

#5 “If I really want this, I will come back for it.”

I personally love this mantra because it gives us permission to purchase the product/service at a later time, if we still want it. It avoids saying “no”, which feels better in the moment. But, it also doesn’t give you a full “yes” – there is a stipulation – you have to come back. Nine times out of ten we never go back for the item anyways!

This mantra is great for beginners who don’t do well with restrictions. Since you’re not saying no, you’re saying you’ll come back, you’re still giving yourself the permission to spend, just not right now. It will get easier to avoid in-the-moment spending when this mantra is put into practice.

Related: 5 Money Rituals to Attract Wealth

Mindset is such a huge part of money management. When you believe you’re in control of your financial actions and decisions, you start taking control. Each of the in-the-moment mantras I’ve shared can help you take back your control. If things don’t go according to plan, give yourself grace and try again next time.

Make it a point to start consuming content that will help you think differently about money – I promise you’ll see a difference! What helps you control your spending in the moment? Do you have any money mantras to share? Drop a comment below!

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1 thought on “5 In-the-Moment Mantras to Help You Control Your Spending”

  1. These are great mantras. I use #5 all the time where I see how I feel after an extended period of time. It’s definitely mind over matter.

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