#43: 6 Negative Thoughts Hurting Your Money Situation

I’m a firm believer in the power of the mind. Think positive and positive happens. Think negative and negative happens. Whether you believe in the power of positivity or not, a shift in how you think about money or your situation can spark amazing change. With that being said, if negativity is your go-to state of mind, it’s time to change things up. In this episode, I’m sharing 6 negative thoughts that could be hurting your money situation so you can recognize those thoughts and turn them around.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [02:11] People have over 60,000 thoughts in a day. Imagine the impact of a majority of those thoughts were negative!
  • [05:40] Do you struggle with taking compliments? This could be a sign you’re negative and don’t even realize it.
  • [07:32] I’m sharing six negative thoughts that could be hurting your money situation so you can recognize and make positive changes.
Click here to listen!

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen to Episode 4 – Why Mindset is Critical and How to Start Improving It Listen to Episode 35 – Breaking Free of Broke Once and For All Download the Free Money Moves Packet Listen to Episode 10 – Conquering the Fear of Failure and Redefining Success Free 5-Day Money Mindset + Manifestation Challenge



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