#41: Pulling Back the Curtain and Getting Intimate

Though it may not seem like it, I’m actually a very private person. I definitely have a subconscious guard up and it’s been that way for as long as I can remember. However, I’m working on breaking that guard down! One way I’m doing that is by sharing this episode. I’m pulling back the curtain that is my life and getting intimate. I’m sharing stories about my past and how they’ve shaped me today, so you can get to know me, Raya, founder of City Girl Savings on a much more personal level. What has helped me get intimate is this community. The City Girl Savings community is judgement-free, inspiring and willing to talk about anything. I hope you enjoy learning a little more about me.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [03:45] I had the best dad in the world, but his actions as a husband to my mom gave me trust issues with other relationships.
  • [11:20] Oh to be young again. Where the worst thing that could possibly happen is not making the cheerleading team and having braces…or is that just me?
  • [18:13] My first *almost brush with experiencing loss happened during a road trip to California with my mom. My dad gave me advice I wouldn’t need until his passing years later.
  • [28:30] My first job out of college was a strategic one for other goals, but a terrible one for financial stability.
  • [40:00] Cleaning up the work on my dad’s businesses allowed me to learn how I could start my own business (City Girl Savings).
  • [49:14] I share what’s next for me and what I plan on working towards.
Click here to listen!

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Download the Free Money Moves Packet Check out Episode 1 to learn how City Girl Savings came to be You can also learn my start-up story



3 thoughts on “#41: Pulling Back the Curtain and Getting Intimate”

  1. Hello Raya,
    I really and truly gained a new found respect for you and the life struggles you have endured. I learned quite a few new things about you and some things I remember you making a brief post about in the past. You probably didn’t know that I have been a fan and follower for many years and you have gained my total respect and love. You are someone that a person has to second guess because you are true from start to finish. Thank you for allowing me to be your friend and be a part of your amazing journey called life. Again , Much love and respect for you and I pray that the lord continues to bless you with much love and happiness. Be Safe you will forever be my financial guru.

  2. Raya, I really appreciated listening to this episode and how you allowed yourself to be vulnerable. Thank you for sharing with us/me a part of you.

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