#139: 5 Money Principles Everyone Should Follow

Money runs our lives. I don’t mean that in a bad way, but in a matter-of-fact way.

We need money to survive. We need money to enjoy our lives.

Everything has a cost. It is what it is!

Since we can’t escape the capitalist society we live in, it’s important we put ourselves in a position to master our money.

This starts with some important money principles everyone should be following.

In this episode, I’m breaking down 5 money principles that should be a guiding light in your financial situation.

Take your time implementing these principles, with the goal of following all 5 of them.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [02:08] Want to expand your knowledge of basic money principles? Raya recommends reading The Richest Man in Babylon.
  • [04:55] The goal of saving money is to truly build up a nest egg, or emergency fund, in case something happens or goes wrong.
  • [08:33] Credit isn’t always a bad thing. Raya shares an example of how leveraging credit helped her situation.
  • [12:56] “Good things come to those who work.” Raya shares why working hard is a rule of thumb for anyone looking to be successful.
  • [16:00] Do you think in terms of lack or abundance? Raya gives some examples of what it’s like to think in lack.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Grab a copy of The Richest Man in Babylon

Check out CGS Podcast Episode 121 – How I Paid Off My Dream Car

Save your spot in the upcoming How to Master Your Money and Budget Masterclass!

Check out CGS Podcast Episode 85 – Abundance versus Scarcity

Learn about Raya’s Financial Focus Coaching Program

Follow City Girl Savings on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok

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