#114: 7 Reasons to Start Journaling and Prompts to Get You Started

I started consistently journaling back in 2018.

The benefits that have come over time through consistent journaling are truly amazing.

I eventually was able to quit my corporate job and run City Girl Savings full-time.

I was able to see the growth in my thought patterns over time. I’m able to look back on old journal entries and feel pride and gratitude.

Because journaling has brought so many blessings into my life, I’m now an advocate of the practice.

In this episode, I’m sharing 7 reasons to start journaling on a regular basis as well as a few journal prompts to get you started!

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [01:48] The more you journal, the more you learn about yourself. The more you learn about yourself, the more self-aware you become.
  • [04:10] Raya recalls a time where journaling helped avoid a major fight with her partner. Had she not journaled and acted on her feelings, bad things could have happened.
  • [09:50] Journaling can help keep your goals top of mind. This can result in you taking actions that help you reach the goal.
  • [13:30] Raya shares a snippet from an old journal entry back in 2020 to showcase how memories can be invoked through journaling.
  • [16:22] Need some help getting started? Raya shares 3 different journal prompts that can help you begin your new journaling routine.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen to Episode 58 – My Daily Morning Routine for Boosting Productivity

Learn about Raya’s Financial Focus Coaching Program

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