Why Whitney Port Says Never Take No for an Answer

City Girl Savings was founded by women for women, so we can appreciate a good message from a hard-working woman! We recently came across an article from Career Girl Daily which successful lady Whitney Port clearly explains why taking no for answer should never be an option. Most people know Whitney Port from The Hills and The City, but she is also a hard-working clothing designer. Her message was short, sweet, and to the point, so of course we had to share with the CGS community!

“I think there’s this preconceived notion that anyone’s that made it has just made it overnight. You don’t know all the hard work they’ve been doing underground that’s gotten them to where they are,”

“Whitney Port is the Founder and CEO of Whitney Eve a fashion label launched in 2008. As you probably wouldn’t expect even Whitney has had difficulties establishing herself as a fashion designer. She has been rejected multiple times but in the end it has made her stronger. ‘It was definitely a difficult transition becoming a full-time designer and having everyone take me seriously,’ she says.

‘Because there are so many celebrity lines and a celebrity will just slap their name on something and not really have any integrity behind it’. Reality TV can have a very negative connotation. That has definitely been a challenge and it’s taken some time for the buyers to realize oh ‘She will be around. She’s serious about this. She’s passionate about this.’

Whitney Port received a lot of no’s in the beginning. ‘I’ve been told no a million times! I’ve had my line for five years and it’s since last year that I’m getting into my goal department store. What happens is you listen to their advice and you keep working to present the next collection to them. You get it in front of them over and over so they know that you’re not giving up and you will be around.’

Her most valuable advice to us Career Girls is: ‘Don’t take no for an answer!’ Her advice: you should remember how much you hate being told no so you work even harder to make sure it doesn’t happen. “All of a sudden you’ll get to that place where people will want to approach you for what you’re doing and really appreciate you for what you’re doing.”

We love her advice and it makes us realize success doesn’t happen overnight. It requires hard work, dedication and perseverance.”

As seen on Whitney Port: How Being Told No A Million Times Makes You Stronger by Career Girl Daily.


The CGS Team has so much appreciation for women who work hard and push barriers regardless of their situation. Whitney’s perseverance should serve as motivation for all of us to keep working hard for what we want in life! What do you think of Whitney’s advice? Have you ever bounced back from being told no? How did you do it? Share your experiences with the community, so we can all learn to be better!

-The CGS Team



1 thought on “Why Whitney Port Says Never Take No for an Answer”

  1. It’s interesting to hear that “celebrities” receive doubt. Not every idea has staying power, but a celebrity who really puts the work in and shows they are in it to win it definitely has to be a perk. Great job Whitney for not giving up!

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