Tackling Your To-Do List

Strong time management will benefit you in more ways than you think. The thought of 24 hours may seem like enough time in a day to run errands, go to work, and have some free time. Sometimes we find ourselves with more on our to-do list than the time to actually tackle them. The CGS team has put a few methods together that can help you tackle your to-do list and still have time to squeeze in some personal time.

Making the Cut

When making your to-do list for the day or week, it’s really important to prioritize the most important to least important. If you are on a deadline, be sure to set those tasks at the top of your list so that they will be priority and have minimal risk of being overlooked. Give yourself enough time to finish your tasks without rushing that you can avoid unnecessary stress.

Useful Resources

Cell phones are a great resource to help you tackle any to-do items. Not only do they provide reminders and alarms to remind you when things are coming up, a cellphone also provides a calendar to help keep you on track. Get in the habit of inputting your tasks into your phone and checking your calendar daily so that you can see what is next to be completed.

Getting a Planner


While some prefer technology to keep track of their daily tasks, other may find planners more useful. A planner is great to stay up to date with all of your to-do items but it not as compact as a smartphone calendar. Planners come in all shape and sizes, which depending on your personal preference.

Avoid Procrastination

Sometimes procrastinating becomes our biggest obstacle when trying to tackle a to-do list. The best way to avoid procrastination is to set a time and day to finish an item on your list and actually complete it on time. Give yourself daily tasks to keep up with so that you are not overwhelmed with trying to complete multiple tasks at once. Why not spread them out over the week to lighten the load?

Related: 5 Productive Ways to Take on To-Do List


Staying organized can be as simple as 1-2-3! With these techniques, we are confident you’ll find more time in your day! We’d love to hear of any techniques you’ve found useful to help you tackle your to- do list.

-The CGS Team



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