Social Media Success Tips: How to Stand Out

In the past few years, social media has blown up. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and many other platforms have millions of users in the form of customers, businesses, and potential employers.  Nowadays, employers search potential employees by checking their social media updates. They want to see if your values align with the company.  We showed you how to create a professional social media profile, but now the CGS Team is sharing a few key ways to stand out on social media and get the positive attention of those potential employers!

Give Full Bio Descriptions

Even if your social media pages are private, anyone can read your bio/description. Try think of a sentence or two that sums up what you do and where you want to go in your career. Twitter and Instagram have character limits, so a short, impactful description is absolutely necessary. 

You can expand more on that description on Facebook and LinkedIn. On these platforms, share your work history and applicable career skills, along with any awards and recognition.

Publish a Post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn recently added a feature that allows anyone with a profile to publish a blog article or post.  In addition to the post, you can add tags that are searchable and make your article available to be seen by anyone looking. 

This is the perfect opportunity to talk about you, your work, your passions, or any relevant events happening now.  LinkedIn is the best social media platform for professionals, so take advantage.  Remember to edit your article before posting!

Use Eye-Catching Imagery

It’s been tested and proven that posts with images receive twice as many clicks, likes, and interactions than posts without images.  If possible, incorporate relevant and eye-catching images with all of your social media updates.

Use apps like SquareFX, Crop for Free, PhotoEdit, and Pic Stitch to create collages, crop your pictures to the appropriate social media proportions, and enhance your pictures. Filters are always great, as long as they are not oversaturated. Never post blurry pictures, they are hard to see and can leave the viewer with a negative experience.

Be Open and Engaged

Topics are always trending on social media, be a part of the action! Engage with influencers, businesses, and celebrities. A response or a retweet can bring a lot of positive attention to your social media profile. If people reach out to you or ask questions, be sure to engage and respond to them.  People remember how you treat them, even if it is in the virtual world.

Approach Current Events in a Tame Manner

Depending on the topic, it can be very tempting to give your honest opinion about current events.  This can come back to haunt you.  If a prospective employer doesn’t agree with your approach to addressing your opinion, they may be turned off by you and deny your employment.  It’s perfectly fine to give your opinion, just be mindful of your tone and approach.  Always avoid using vulgar language.


While there are millions of users on social media, a breath of fresh air is always welcomed and appreciated. Have you made updates to your social media profiles to be more career-friendly? What tips do you have for maintaining a professional social media account? Share your tips and thoughts by posting a reply comment below!

-The CGS Team



4 thoughts on “Social Media Success Tips: How to Stand Out”

  1. Love this post. I am a true believer that you must be extremely careful of what you post in social media. In some case, it can be misintepreted and may hurt you in the long run. Keep it professional with a little touch of who you are.

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