4 Ways to Always Pick the Perfect Wine

4 Ways to Always Pick the Perfect Wine

To pick the perfect wine is just as important as picking the right accessories to go with your outfit. Wine enhances the food you are eating, creates a relaxing evening, and is the perfect social drink to sip on.

There is a vast supply of wine available to everyone, so how do you choose the right one? Whether you enjoy red, white or sparkling wine, there’s a wine out there for you. The CGS Team has a put together a few tips to help you pick the perfect wine for your taste buds.

Start With the Grapes

Choosing the perfect wine is more than just picking a wine based on its creative exterior. The first step in choosing a great wine is to know which types of grapes were used to make it.

While some states use specific grapes, it’s important to read the label to know where the wine was made. Some wines may read, “table wine” or “California wine” which is perfectly fine, but it can also indicate that the wine was made with grapes from various regions.

There isn’t anything wrong with grapes from various regions; however, sometimes the quality can taste bland and unbalanced. The most popular family of wine grapes include Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, and Riesling for whites, and Zinfandel, Merlot, and Pinot Noir for reds.

Question the Sale Wine

Typically when something goes on sale, it means the product isn’t doing as well as planned. When choosing wine, keep an eye out for wine that’s on sale. The price may be up your alley, but you should question why it went on sale.

There is nothing wrong with asking the clerk why a particular brand is on sale. If the brand isn’t doing well in the store, it’s likely that the ideal consumption window for the particular vintage has passed. Wine gets better with age, but consuming it at its prime is the best way to enjoy it.

Pair it With Your Meal

The beauty of wine is that it can enhance the food you are eating. On the opposite end, if you don’t have the correct wine for your meal, it can hinder the palette. A rule of thumb when picking wine to dine with is light with light, and rich with rich.

What that generally means is chicken and seafood meals will pair great with a white wine, since they are lighter meals. Heavier meals like red meats and cheeses will taste better with red or dark wine. Sweet wines are typically paired with desserts due to their sweet nature.

The Best Glass for Your Wine

Once you have your wine picked out, it’s time to select a glass that best compliments the wine’s flavor.  Check out the guide below to pairing each popular wine with its appropriate wine glass.


Related: 6 Tips for Healthy Meal Prepping

We hope after this quick wine 101 lesson you’ll have a better insight on how to pick the perfect wine for your occasion. It’s important to drink responsibly while letting you taste buds run wild.

What brand of wine is your absolute favorite? Do you prefer red or white? Let us know; we love hearing back from our readers!

-The CGS Team



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