How to Set Achievable Resolutions

When it comes to setting goals, it’s always easier said than done. The New Year is here and as tradition goes, resolutions should be set. It’s often easy to decide what the resolution should be, the difficult part is making it stick. After a resolution is set, the typical question is “where do I start?” Simply making a list doesn’t make the resolution come true, an action plan is needed. The CGS team is sharing a few tips to help you set realistic resolutions that won’t be forgotten next month.

Be Realistic, Be Patient

When you’re setting your goals, it’s best to keep in mind that they should start off slow and steady. For example, losing 10lbs in 2 weeks is not realistic and has a very small likelihood of being achieved. Rushing to reach your goals can cause stress, headaches, and make you want to give up. To avoid this, set realistic goals with realistic timeframes.

If losing weight is your goal, assess your potential workout and eating routine and set a timeframe based on how you follow those routines. Remember when you’re setting a resolution, it’s important to include things that are in hindsight of reaching. To create something that will take years to accomplish may discourage you.

Consistency is Key

When you set your mind to it, you can do it! Being consistent when it comes to anything in life will always get you achievable results. The moment you put your resolution on paper or in your mind, you have to vow to be consistent. Your action items to reaching that resolution should reflect consistency as well.

Consistency can be difficult (especially in the beginning), but with perseverance and strong will it will get easier over time. Focusing on one thing at a time will make the introduction of consistency easier when setting achievable resolutions. If saving money for a new car, a house, and a vacation is one of your resolutions, then plan to save for one at a time. Saving for them all at the same time may make you feel like you aren’t making any progress.

Set Intentions, Not Must-Dos

Like most women, if someone tells you what to do it makes you want to do the opposite right? That same rebellious attitude applies to when you are telling yourself what to do. When you make your resolutions “musts”, it makes them feel forced. Being forced to reach a goal doesn’t make you excited to reach it. Setting an intention indicates you are aiming towards something, intending to do something with no pressure included. When you are writing your resolutions, refrain from using demanding language.

Reward Yourself for Action Items Achieved

Even though your resolution may not be reached yet, it doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress. Since each of your resolutions should have an action plan attached to it, if you are achieving those items on the plan then you should be rewarded. We’re not saying go out and buy a new Michael Kors, we’re simply suggesting you treat yourself to a yummy latte or a quick manicure.

When you make progress, even small progress, it should be acknowledged. Not only will recognizing your hard work push you to keep working towards your goal, it will remind you that great things happen when you achieve your resolutions!

Related: Creating a Game Plan for Your Goals


The most important takeaway from this article is that the two major ingredients when setting achievable resolutions are patience and consistency. What resolutions have you set for the new year? What have you found to be useful when achieving things? We absolutely love having you as a part of the CGS community and look forward to hearing your resolutions! Leave a comment below or the Get Inspired group to help motivate others! We can all reach our resolutions together!

-The CGS Team



2 thoughts on “How to Set Achievable Resolutions”

  1. Great read!! I enjoyed reading the importance of rewarding yourself. I’ve decided to began to exercise more eat healthy and drink more water daily.

  2. It’s easy to want so much for ourselves, I think this article helps put goal-setting into perspective. I will definitely keep these tips in mind when setting my 2016 goals!

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