How to Get Started in Fashion Blogging

I am ecstatic to be writing for City Girls Savings again! As a business woman on a budget, it brings me such joy to share my knowledge and expertise with other entrepreneurial women! When I first decided I wanted to get started in fashion blogging and started my blog Laura Lily over three years ago, it was nothing more than a fun hobby. A way for me to make use of all the clothes in my closet, enrich my creative side, and share my love of fashion with the world.

Today, Laura Lily has grown into an expanding business with brand collaborations, event invites, and a source of income. This was not an overnight success story. Instead, it has been a learning process filled with love, dedication, hard-work and perseverance.

How to get started in a career to become a fashion blogger is a question I am often asked and I am happy to share my advice with you. For anyone looking to build their blog or business, either full-time or part-time, here are the most important tips to remember…


Start Somewhere

This can often be the hardest and most overwhelming part of becoming a blogger. The entire process can seem overwhelming, but it all starts with the first step. My suggestions to you are to decide on a blog name, buy your domain name, and figure out what it is that you want to write about.

Is it fashion, beauty, or a combination of both? Any of these things are a great start and a step in the right direction. I like to keep a diary of all my ideas. That way, I can write about them on the go when inspiration strikes.


Never Stop Learning

Attend industry networking events and blogger conferences. I truly, truly believe that no matter how big of a blogger you become, there is always something new to learn that will help your business succeed. Read daily blogging articles, attend industry networking events, and take classes.

Blogger events, such as Simply Stylist, are a ton of fun and full of information about the industry. Plus, you get the chance to dress up, meet some of your favorite bloggers and make new friends! In the end, expanding your brain power is only going to help you to improve our business. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. This is how you learn and someone else is likely to have the same question. They will be thankful you had the courage to ask.



It is important not to get overwhelmed with all there is to do. Make a schedule and stick to it! If you want to make blogging your full-time job, you will have to learn to be disciplined. You can start by making due dates for yourself and knowing your limits. The last thing you want to do in a collaboration with a brand is not be able to deliver on the expected due date.

I know that three posts per week is the max for me. So I give myself deadlines to make sure my blog posts are up every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. While working with a brand, I always make sure to give them an expected post date and offer to send them the link once it is finished. That way, they are not impatiently waiting for their product to show up on the blog.


Don’t Get Discouraged

There are a lot of others bloggers out there and it can get overwhelming when you feel like you are one in a million. Looking at social media, the lives of others can appear “perfect.” Just know that everyone’s life is different and unique.

Instead of worrying about what other people are doing, focus on yourself, your blog, and your own accomplishments. I like to keep photos, magazine clippings, and features on my inspiration board to remind myself how far I have come and what I am working for.

Invest in Your Company

While it is tempting to buy everything pretty in sight, resist the urge to spend your hard earned cash and instead, put that money toward your blogging business. Buy a Facebook Ad, pay to attend a conference, hire a website designer, buy camera or computer equipment. All of these things will go much further in helping you on your career path than a pretty pair of shoes.

Trust me, it gets tempting. To work around this, set goals for things you want. For example, when you reach a certain number of Instagram followers or get featured in a magazine, treat yourself to something nice. It is a way of rewarding yourself for handwork without going overboard.


Have Fun With It!

One of the best things about being a blogger is the people you will meet and the friends you’ll make that share your same drive, passion, and love of blogging. My girlfriends are the most incredible women and they inspire me everyday to work harder to make my dreams come true.

They understand the ups and downs that can come along with being a blogger. Plus, there is always an excuse for brunch, dinner or just girl time. Because let’s face it, there is always something to talk to your girlfriends about!

Just know that becoming a successful blogger does not happen overnight. It takes months, even years of persistence and dedication. But hard work does pay off. When I first started my blog, I never imagined years down the road I would end up where I am. Blog because you love it and it will never seem like work.

Write down short term and long-term goals and a plan for how you are going to reach them. Little by little you’ll climb the ladder of success and a career as a blogger!


Have more questions on how to become a successful blogger? Tweet me @Laura__Lily with hashtag #AskLauraLily! Check out my previous article for City Girl Savings 5 Tips for Shopping on a Budget.


Follow Laura Lily on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Bloglovin’ for more style and blogging advice.



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