Declutter Your Way to Happiness

Have you ever walked into your room or your office, seen the unbelievable amounts of clutter, and your mood completely dropped? Unorganized living and working spaces are often a cause and symptom of stress. Simply walking into that clutter can trigger your brain to shut down. Failing to declutter and not dealing with it, because it seems impossible, will only make it worse.  

Clutter can weigh you down, distract you from your tasks, and invite other chaos to enter your life.  The CGS Team is sharing a few solid ways to help you effectively declutter your space and move yourself into a positive way of living.

Make a List

Identify the areas of your home or office that need to be decluttered.  Start with the easiest area on the list and don’t stop until you’re organized.  Once you’ve finished that area, take a break.  If you desire a couple of hours or a day, give yourself time to get re-energized to tackle the next item on the list.

The beauty of making a list is that it’s as easy or as difficult as you make it, based on what areas need to be organized.  Don’t overwhelm yourself, because you may give up altogether.

Take the 12-12-12 Challenge

We love the 12-12-12 Challenge created by Joshua Becker, author of The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own.  “A simple task of locating 12 items to throw away, 12 items to donate, and 12 items to be returned to their proper home can be a really fun and exciting way to quickly organize 36 things in your house.

On more than one occasion, this challenge actually became a quick competition between my wife and me… and your kids don’t have to be too old to participate as well.”

Do a Quick Sweep

Before the decluttering gets too complicated, do a quick sweep of your home or office. Take a trash bag and fill it up as quickly as possible with stuff you know can be thrown away.  Do the same thing with a trash bag that can be used for items to give to Goodwill.

Create a Filing System

A filing system can be especially effective in the office.  Most offices come with shelf or drawer space, so take advantage.  Papers seem to pile up high because there is no place for them.  If you work from home, or have a lot of personal paperwork, consider purchasing a mini-filing cabinet and file your papers in there.  If you don’t want to purchase a filing cabinet, simply file your documents in labeled folders and put them in box.  Whenever personal documents come in, file them in the box.

Appreciate a Decluttered Area

Once you’ve managed to get the clutter under control, make it a point to stay organized.  Learn to appreciate a clean area, that way any slight approach of clutter will trigger you to respond.  Take some time to appreciate the area that’s been decluttered.  How do you feel in that moment? How happy are you to look at a clean closet? Savor that feeling and use it to keep you focused moving forward.

Want more tips on getting organized? Check out the article Get Organized from the Inside Out. What are some tips you can share for staying organized? How often do you go on a declutter rampage? How does clutter make you feel? We want to hear from you! Leave a comment below to share your thoughts!

-The CGS Team



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