CGS 2021 Year End Goals Recap

The past two years have been crazy, right?! We can thank the pandemic for that. What we’ve realized though is that time keeps moving. We can’t let a pandemic or anything else stop us from working towards our goals.

At the end of every year, I take the time to review progress towards my goals – including my business goals. I like to assess what worked, what didn’t work and have a clear understanding of what I want to focus on moving forward.

We shared our CGS Goals for 2022, and now it’s time to assess how we did in 2021. Just like we hold our clients, community, and followers accountable, we like for you to hold us accountable too! Check out the progress we made towards our goals in 2021!

In 2021, we lost 687 newsletter subscribers. Email clean-up is something we’ve been prioritizing.

In 2021, we averaged 12,430 monthly readers with 149,210 pageviews.

In 2021, we completed 84 consultations, created 24 budget plans, and coached 18 clients.

In 2021, we partnered with a property management company to launch Money Management Mastery and had 60 students.

In 2021, we increased revenue by 70%. This was the only goal we surpassed in 2021.

In 2021, we published 85 articles.

In 2021, we increased our Instagram followers by 2,879.

In 2021, we increased our YouTube subscribers by 228.

In 2021, we increased our CGS Facebook Group to 3,693 members.

With the exception of sales, the growth was slower than projected. Thank you for all of the support over the years. Whether you’re new to the CGS community or not, we appreciate you! What progress did you make towards your goals in 2021? Post a comment below to share and leave thoughts on our 2021 progress!

The CGS Team



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