Celebrity Beauty Hacks

There’s no question that celebrities have a team of specialists behind them to make them as beautiful as possible, but some celebrities have their own hacks as well! Why not take the beauty advice of some of your favorite celebrities and see if it works for you. The CGS Team has done some research to pinpoint the beauty hacks of some beautiful celebrities.  Check them out, give them a try, and let us know if they work for you too!

Taylor Swift’s Red Lips


“There are tricks I’ve learned from makeup artists on shoots. They put on the red lipstick, then blot it with a tissue, then they put powder over the tissue and sort of press it onto your lips. Then re-apply. It turns it into a stain that lasts much longer.” As told to Allure.

How Lauren Conrad De-cakes her Make-up

“Since cake-face is never a good look, I like to dilute my cover-up with a little eye cream during the warmer months. It makes this traditionally heavier makeup a bit lighter and sheerer, which is ideal for summer. It’s also a good idea to use less foundation (unless you’re up for risking a serious facial landslide) and preferably one that is silicone-based to prevent smudging and sliding. During the summer, less is more!” As seen on Lauren Conrad’s Summer Beauty Secrets.

Gisele Bündchen’s Trick for Bigger Eyes

“If you’re wearing smoky eye makeup, a little beige or gold pencil on the inner eye corners will open up the area, but you only want to do it if the shadow is really dark. Otherwise, light pencil makes your eyes look too far apart, like a fish. And I put black mascara on my top and bottom lashes because I have tiny little hamster eyes. With mascara, they seem larger.” As told to Elle.

Fergie’s Simple Hack for Beach Waves


Avon’s “Moroccan Argon Oil for hair. I put it up in a bun with the product in…Josh calls me peanut head! It’s good for the hair because it makes it so shiny. I take it out of the bun and then I have nice beach waves.” As told to Seventeen.

Liv Tyler’s No-Makeup Look

“After applying foundation and a little blush, dust your face with translucent powder, then mist skin with a rosewater spray and lay a Kleenex over for a second. It makes your face seem flawless in a way that looks as if you aren’t wearing any makeup.”

Miranda Kerr’s Eyelash Curler Substitute

“You can curl your eyelashes with a spoon if you don’t have an eyelash curler.” As seen on Dailymail.

Candice Swanepoel’s Hack to Look More Awake


“If you want to look a little more awake use a cream pencil on the inside of your eye, it opens up your eyes. Put a shimmer in the corners…it makes it pop.”

Ellen Pompeo’s Smokey-Eye Trick

“For a smoky eye, moisturize the area first, so when you line the lid with a pencil it will smudge naturally.”

Sandra Bullock’s Anti-Wrinkle Trick

“Putting butt cream under my eyes is one of my best beauty secrets, and stops me from getting lines.” As seen on More.


If the tricks above are working for these gorgeous celebrities, then we are starting them today! Have you tried any of the tricks above? Do you have any beauty hacks to share with the community? We want to hear what works for you! Leave a comment below to share!

-The CGS Team



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