10 Ways Travelers Earn Money

A passion among many millennials is traveling. But how does one fund such travel? Or, how can one make money while traveling? The CGS Team is sharing a great article from Eric Patrick, founder of the Black Market Exchange that pinpoints 10 ways travelers earn money for traveling and while traveling. Don’t let a lack of funds stop you from seeing what the world has to offer! Read on to see get some tips on raising money to travel.

“Here are 10 ways to profit from your passion as a traveler or while traveling. Enjoy.


Airbnb is like Craigslist on steroids for travelers. People post lodging listings for others to utilize while they travel. In return, the hosts make a few extra bucks and essentially give up nothing, but a little space (sometimes a lot of space). As millennials are looking to travel more there’s also means to make nice money because of their desire for exploration.

If you’re a traveler, a great way to make money is to list your residence on Airbnb for lodging, even if you’re out of time. The way to do this is have a really good friend or family member look after your place while you’re gone and serve as a pseudo-manager for your spot. If you cut them in on some of the profits, everybody wins and you don’t have to be bogged down to your own place. Check out more of Airbnb here.


Uber and Lyft are like Airbnb for cars (sort of). Remember when you were in NYC hailing down a taxi in Harlem? Well, not you can call/text an Uber or Lyft car from their apps and get a more friendly experience. But you’re traveling so how do you reap the benefits of Uber/Lyft for extra cash? Well let’s say you’re doing a tour around the United States, you can just register you and your vehicle and Uber, and since you’ll be driving in certain cities anyway, why not pick a few people up for some extra bucks in the meantime. Check out Uber’s website here or Lyft’s website here.


One of the most utilized platforms nowadays for millennials is the infamous blog. Blogging is the new wave and as a traveler, you can document your experience and actually make money from it. If your blog has a great viewership, many companies will want to buy ads on your blog and your writings are still free to the public. A great traveler and blogger is Rachel over at Rachel Travels. She has great content and even has an alert program you can sign up for a super cheap price and be alerted when flight deals come about. Google AdSense is another component you can add to your blog for passive income.

Affiliate Marketing

A lot of folks are doing affiliate marketing nowadays. This is essentially co-branding. Let’s say you run a travel blog (as mentioned above) and your hosting company is Bluehost. They actually will provide you will an affiliate link and if people who view your blog, click the link, and purchase their hosting through Bluehost, YOU’LL GET PAID! It’s that easy. Affiliate marketing can even be with fashion companies or department stores like Target and Walmart. Referral links is another term used in affiliate marketing where you get paid for customers you refer.


This one may not be for many as it does require some focus at designated times, but the beauty with investing is that it can be done anywhere. Whether you’re flipping stocks in Robinhood or receiving dividends from blue chip companies, investing can be a great source of extra income for those travelers who don’t like to be tied down for long periods of time in one location.

Web/Graphic Design

This is one of my favorites because I actually do web design myself. Feel free to shoot me an email with feedback on what you think about my website to info@thebmex.com. There are many easy pick-and-plug website developing platforms like Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, and the list goes on.

Not only are these sites inexpensive, but also they’re easy to create with no experience and you don’t have to have any coding background. Graphic design is usually done in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator and is another great avenue if you’re artistic. As a traveler, all you’ll need to complete these tasks is your laptop, which I’m sure many millennials bring with them on the road. To help, a company like Fiverr actually serves as a place to host your portfolio and services and get extra customers.

Teach an Online Course

This is another one of my favorites as this can be completed and run automatically. All you’ll need to do is be customer support the event something doesn’t work properly. My 5-day In the Black Starter Pack is an eCourse I developed that works be sending daily emails backed with content like videos, audio, and links to articles. Many entrepreneur components include PayPal, MailChimp, Aweber, and Zapier. If you’re willing to take less profit, but don’t have to rely on yourself for marking as much, then a company like Udemy will be perfect for you.

Sell Stuff

This option has always been around considered the inception of eBay and Craigslist. Many travelers are saving money on fashion by thrifting nowadays too. Many millennials are shopping at local boutiques and the Goodwill to find vintage items to give them a unique sense of style. I personally know a guy that found a vintage Gucci handbag at the Goodwill for $16 for his wife (talk about a come up) so you can always sell yourself as well.

One app they I use that comes in handy is OfferUp. It always you to take pictures and post item you have for sale for people that are within a certain distance of your location. The app doesn’t always purchases through it so you have to physically meet the person, but I personally sold some of my old Polos for $200.


This one goes with web/graphic design a bit, but different because you can take all your pictures with a camera or your cell phone. Apps like VSCO offer a new level of phone photography. Most websites use what are known as stock images (you may have heard of Getty Images before). You can develop your own site or company sell or license your photography to other businesses while you’re about and about.


As mentioned in the blogging tip, you can get paid by companies to post their ads on your site. Also, you can charge companies to post social media ads. Nowadays, this is becoming heavily used by big platforms and celebrities will charges other people or companies to post on their Facebook pages or Instagram feeds. As a travelers, you’re probably a social butterfly so why not get paid for what you’re already posting and doing? Google Ads as mentioned above are a great option as well.”

As Seen On 10 Ways Travelers Raise Money to Invest by Black Market Exchange.


Black Market Exchange is the #1 urban investment education site for millennials and investors. They blend hip-hop and investing to help encourage education. Look for collaborations with City Girl Savings and Black Market Exchange in the future!

How’s that for some income-raising inspiration?! Start saving any extra income for your next big trip! Don’t have time for a second job? Create a budget that allows you to save for traveling. You can break up your trips into mini cross-country adventures, or save for a big international escape! How do you save or make extra money for traveling? Start discussing by leaving a comment below.

-Eric Patrick



3 thoughts on “10 Ways Travelers Earn Money”

    1. Thanks for the share Raya!

      We at Black Market Exchange are excited to be working with such a great platform like CGS.

      The beauty of an article like this is exposure. People may or may not know all of the possibilities to generate more income, especially if it’s for traveling. I always say, “Leverage your talents to make like more fulfilling and financially rewarding.”

      Be great everyone!

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