#88: How to Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Great things happen outside the comfort zone, unfortunately it doesn’t always feel good there.

Being uncomfortable is the first step to change…and change is scary.

Fear of the unknown can creep in and make you take a step back into your zone of comfort.

But, you can’t expect different results when you’re doing the same things you’ve always done.

In this episode, I’m sharing how you can get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

You’ll learn why stepping outside of your comfort zone leads to amazing things and how you can put yourself in a position to get uncomfortable but be okay with it.

Here’s to new, exciting and unknown blessings coming our way!

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [01:38] In this episode’s City Girl Solutions question, Raya shares how people with no experience can get started with budgeting.
  • [05:53] How many times have you thought about leaving your job? Until you get out of your comfort zone, you’ll always wonder “what if”.
  • [09:36] Our brains think of discomfort as unhappiness. This isn’t true. We have to shift the mental narrative and understand that discomfort means we’re in unknown territory.
  • [14:00] Raya shares examples of when she got out of her comfort zone, even though it felt scary and uncomfortable.

Click here to listen!

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Save your spot in the upcoming Money Mindset Masterclass!

Learn more about Money Management Mastery!

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Struggling with your finances? Request a call with me (and get a budget)!

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