7 Happy and Healthy Intentions to Set for the New Year

It never fails. The year always seems to fly by. Whether we have achieved everything we wanted in the year or not, another year approaches. I truly believe in the power of setting goals and intentions, and doing what you can to achieve those things. It’s incredible what women are able to accomplish with a little direction and drive! The same applies to happy and healthy intentions that are set for the new year.

There are a variety of goals to set for yourself, but goals around your health and happiness should always be on the list. If you aren’t sure which happy and healthy intentions to focus on for the new year, I’m sharing a few ideas with you. Keep reading for 7 happy and healthy intentions to set for the new year.

Why you should set New Year intentions

Before we get into what happy and healthy intentions to achieve, let’s talk about why you should even set New Year intentions, resolutions and goals to begin with.

A fresh start is always welcome

First and foremost, there is nothing like a fresh start to help you recharge and shift focus. If your year didn’t go as well as you wanted it to, moving into the next year with a different strategy can help. Think about what didn’t work out and why. What can you do differently in the new year? How can you ensure you are staying on track and moving in the right direction? Think about these answers as you plan your new year resolutions.

Life is nothing without growth

You may not physically write out or think about your goals, but there’s no denying that there are certain things you want to do and achieve in your life. There is power behind setting goals, writing them down and sharing them with others. According to a study at Dominican University in California, a person is 42% more likely to achieve a goal when it’s written down. Whether you believe it to be true or not, why not give it a shot?!

Happy and Healthy Intentions to Set for the New Year

#1 Consume better content

With this next year, I challenge you to start being more mindful what you are consuming. This means unfollowing social media accounts that don’t make you feel good. This means listening to podcasts and audio books that challenge and inspire you. This means ditching TV shows that don’t stimulate your brain. Consuming better content can help you feel better and live a happier life.

#2 Get creative with how you move

If you don’t like going to the gym, find other ways to get active. The New Year is the time when most people set out on their health and fitness journeys. Don’t set yourself up for failure by failing to account for things you do and don’t like. Think about what you can do to be active and enjoy it at the same time. Go for a hike every week, take a dance class, or find easy, at-home workout routines.

#3 Start gratitude journaling

There is nothing like living a life of gratitude. It’s easy for people to focus on the things they don’t have and want badly. This means it’s even easier to forget about the good things they have. Start a journal just for things you are thankful for. Every morning or evening, write out a couple of things you are thankful for that day. You will start viewing life with a new perspective.

#4 Learn something new

Like I mentioned earlier, life is nothing without growth. Growth can also mean learning new things. Start studying a new language. Take a class on a subject you aren’t very good at. Work with a coach or trainer to help you get your health, career and finances in order. Do things in the new year that will help you be a wiser, sharper person.

#5 Focus on a more-natural diet

Nowadays, there are so many preservatives and unnecessary additives in the foods we eat on a regular basis. Vow to spend the new year being more conscious of what you put into your body. Start eating things that are all-natural and witness the difference in how you look and feel. You don’t have to cut out all the bad stuff, just start incorporating more natural foods.

#6 Manage your time more efficiently

If you haven’t noticed by now, time keeps moving even if we don’t. Time waits for no woman, and that means we need to be making the most of the time we do have. Being able to manage your time to be more productive and efficient can save you money, stress and health. Start by doing a time audit. What this means is every day for one week, track how much time you spend doing each task, chore or anything. Get as specific as possible. See where you are really spending your time, then make adjustments.

#7 Practice positivity on a daily basis

Read the book the Power of Positive Thinking to really understand how important practicing positivity can be for your health and happiness. If you already know, then start living a more positive-filled life. Practice being happy and positive on a daily basis. Smile at strangers. Compliment co-workers. Treat and surprise others for no reason. You will notice a difference in how you feel and what opportunities come your way.

Want to get specific with your goals and goal setting strategy? Download my Goal Setting Workbook to help you achieve whatever goal you have!


Tips for staying consistent with your intentions

When setting your happy and healthy intentions, or any intentions for that matter, you want to make sure you stay consistent with them. Below are a few tips that help me stick with my goals, even when I don’t feel in the mood to do the work!

Set realistic goals

Rushing to reach your goals can cause stress, headaches, and make you want to give up. To avoid this, set realistic goals with realistic timeframes. Following the S.M.A.R.T approach when setting goals is one of the best ways to get detailed with the things you want to achieve.

Make sure there is meaning behind your goals

Get to the “why” behind every goal that you set. Imagine what life would be like if you achieved that goal. When you put meaning behind your goals, you have more of a reason to tough it out until they are reached.

Break goals down into action steps

When setting your big goals, break them down into achievable, bite-sized to-do items. For example, if your goal is to start a business in the new year, you would want to break that down into steps to help you do that. It could look something like:

  • Research requirements in my state for starting a business
  • Think about my business name and do a domain search
  • File the appropriate paperwork to make the business official
  • Open a business bank account

As you can see, starting a business is broad and requires multiple steps. Breaking down your goal into things that can be done to help achieve the overall goal will make your chances of completing it much higher.

Get ready for the new year

Now that you have an idea of what happy and healthy intentions to set for the new year, and how you can be successful with them, it’s time to lay out your goals for the new year! Write out what you want to accomplish next year in your health and happiness areas, as well as other areas.


What happy and healthy intentions do you plan on implementing in the new year? What other goals are you working on for next year? Share your thoughts, questions, and goals below!

The CGS Team



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