6 Summertime Money Making Ideas

While I’m sure the thought of working during summer is less than appealing, I think we can all agree that making money, any time of the year, is always welcomed! I sure do miss the days of having nothing to do during the summer season. Grade school sure had its perks! Now that I’m an adult, summer is just another opportunity to keep working and make money. If you’re in need of some summertime money making ideas, whether you have a full-time job or not, I’ve got you covered!

Making money can last all year round, but certain income-generating ideas are best implemented in the summer. I’m sharing 6 summertime money making ideas for you to bring in some extra cash during the extra hot months. Get ready for a fun, and potentially profitable summer season!

6 Summertime Money Making Ideas

#1 Be a seasonal nanny 

This is such a great way to make a lot of extra money, in a short amount of time. In fact, one of my client’s is a nanny (year-round actually) and she makes $300-$400/week…part-time! Since most children are out of school for the summer season, some parents look for options outside of daycare.

This can lead to a lot of extra income. If you decide to continue services after summer, that’s up to you! You can create a profile on care.com to get started or ask your friends and family to keep feelers out for you.

#2 Dog walking

Another popular summertime money making idea is dog walking. You’re going to chuckle but another client of mine does this year-round! She easily brings in $200/month for weekly dog-walks. It doesn’t take much of her time, plus she loves the animals. If you’re a pet lover, then this summer side hustle is right up your alley!

WAG is always on the lookout for dog walkers. Going through a company like that could help you get started quickly, though you may not make as much as if you were picking up your own clients. Either way, the point is to get out there and make some extra money!

#3 Local Lifeguard

Every summer, city officials are on the lookout for local lifeguards for neighborhood pools. Do you enjoy being by the pool? Are you a good swimmer? When you’re in need of some extra money during the summer, lifeguarding can be that temporary fix to help you get ahead. You can look for posted jobs on your city’s official website, or contact private communities and country clubs directly.

#4 Become a fitness instructor

Local gyms, yoga studios or Zumba classes are often looking for fitness instructors during the new year and the summer. If you love the thought of staying in shape, and getting paid for it, this could be the summer gig for you! 

No luck finding any classes? You could start your own fitness channel on YouTube. You may not see the income coming in right away, but if you’re looking to do this for the long haul, success can come over time. Also consider taking on in-person clients. Become a personal trainer helping others get in shape at the gym of their choice.

#5 Rent out a room while you’re out of town

Most people take vacations in the summer, if that’s you and you’ll have a spare room or home open, consider listing it on AirBnB. You can make a lot of money in a short amount of time by renting out your place to others who are visiting. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get onboarded and have the house listed. Waiting until the last minute could leave you out of luck.

#6 House sit while others are out of town

The last of my summertime money making ideas is to house sit for others while they’re out of town on vacation. No plans to travel this summer? Take advantage by making some extra money from those who are going away for long vacations. Housesitting, especially with the right clients, can bring in a lot of extra cash. Once you’ve established yourself as an effective house-sitter, you can do this all year round.

Related: 6 Popular Side Hustles to Try

Of course, most of these summertime money making ideas can be done any time of the year. You just may get lucky in the summer season, thanks to vacations, kids being out of school and good weather! Another great thing about making extra money in the summer is that it’s temporary! Once fall hits, you can go back to life as it was!

Do you take on extra side hustles during the summer? How do you make sure the money keeps coming in throughout the summer season? Drop a comment below to share!

The CGS Team



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