6 Small Tweaks to Your Day to Feel Amazing

Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and the entire day seems to go wrong? On the flip side, you can wake up in a great mood and that lasts throughout the rest of your day. Any other time, it’s just a normal day.

Well, not anymore! You can do things throughout your day to make sure you feel positive and amazing! We only get this one life, so making sure we feel good as much as possible should be the goal! I’m sharing 6 small tweaks to your day to feel amazing! Sometimes, it just takes small changes to have an amazing impact.

6 Small Tweaks to Your Day to Feel Amazing

#1 Wake up to something soothing

I’m sorry, but there’s NO way I can wake up to a blaring alarm. Not only does that wake me up in a panic, but it naturally brings feelings of panic and rushing. Thankfully, my internal alarm clock wakes me up before my phone’s alarm. However, I always set my phone alarm just in case! When my alarm does wake me up, it’s the soothing sounds of bells.

I also don’t set my volume very high, so the sound of the bells is loud enough to wake me up, but not loud enough to leave me feeling panicked. Waking up to something soothing sets the tone for the day. Everyone’s preference is different, so play around with different sounds. Bells, birds chirping, waves crashing, or any other soothing sound will beat a blaring alarm.

#2 Take a different route on your commute

I’m a Virgo. That means I’m structured and value routine. In terms of commuting, it usually means taking the same route wherever I go. If I’m in a hurry, I’ll be taking that routine route without even thinking about it. If I have time, I’ll try to switch up the route to whatever destination I’m going to. This makes me feel like I’m doing something different – even though I’m going to a familiar place.

Changing up my normal route gives me a chance to notice different things. I can’t say this is a fact, but it definitely makes me feel sharper! If you commute to work or drive to the same place often, try taking a different route. It will make you feel like you incorporated something new and different into your day!

#3 Give someone a compliment

You’ve received a compliment before – how did it make you feel? Probably good, right?! Well, imagine if you can make someone else feel good. It seems like such a natural thing to keep to yourself, but spreading a little kindness can make you feel amazing. Not to mention, you never know what someone else is going through and how your compliment can pick them up.

The next time you notice someone’s outfit, smile, car, or anything else, take the time to let them know. Giving someone a compliment can make you feel good all day long. I don’t recommend complimenting someone to get something in return. But, when you feel compelled to share the kind words, please do so.

#4 Open the blinds or curtains
I absolutely love natural light. There’s just something about the way the sun lights up a room that makes me want to smile! Whether you’re working from home, getting tasks done or in the office, make it a point to open the blind or draw up the curtains! The natural light will bring an instant surge of energy and leave you feeling great!

The City Girl Savings office space doesn’t have any windows. So, I did the next best thing! We (meaning my boyfriend with me watching) installed bright LED lights in the office space. It’s not as great as the sun’s light, but it does make the room bright.

#5 Step outside just to soak in the sun and fresh air

Just like natural light can make you feel great in your space, stepping outside and soaking in the sunlight and fresh air can make you feel great in your body! I love taking a nice deep breath in during my morning walk. The air is so crisp and clear – almost like an instant energy surge when it hits my lungs!

Any chance you get during the day to step outside and breathe in the sun and air, take it! You don’t have to be outside long to reap the benefits that it brings. Going on a quick walk during your lunch break can be a great way to get energized to finish out your workday!

#6 End your day with reflection

I recently listened to “The Gap and The Gain” on Audible and one of the ways to “live in the gain” is to end your day with 3 accomplishments. No matter how big or small, listing out your accomplishments puts you in a state of pride and gratitude. It allows you to fall asleep on a positive note. I’m still working this into my nighttime routine, but it has been super helpful with waking up happier.

When you think about the 3 things you accomplished for the day, you’re literally reflecting on your day! You’re running through the day in your mind to find your accomplishments. Reflecting on the day is a great way to close out the day and start fresh when you wake up the next day.

Related: 7 Bright Ways to Start a Positive Day

The beauty of each of these tweaks is that you can do them as early as today! It takes no time at all to get some of these tweaks implemented and start feeling the results! If you find yourself going through the motions every day, it’s time to switch up your routine! Add one (or some) of these tweaks to your day and you’ll feel better instantly!

Do you have any daily habits or rituals that help make your day better? Have you tried implementing any of the tweaks listed above? Drop a comment to share!

The CGS Team



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