It can be hard to ask for help. It can be even harder to know when it’s time to ask for help. Unfortunately, the longer you wait to fix a problem, the worse it can become. In finances, but also any other area of life. Investing in help to fix a problem can save you future time, money, and stress. It also helps you skip the learning curve of finding the solution to your problem.
We can’t be good at everything, so it makes sense that we need outside help. You wouldn’t try to fix the electrical wiring in your house if you didn’t know what you were doing, right? You would invest in a professional to help you fix the problem!
The same theory applies to your finances. If you haven’t been able to get out of a dire financial situation, your next course of action should be to invest in help. I’m sharing 6 signs that it’s time to invest in help for your finances, so you can start seeing forward movement in your situation!
If you’re looking to find help for controlling your money and budget, consider my upcoming Money Management Mastery program!
6 Signs It’s Time to Invest in Help for Your Finances
#1 Nothing is changing in your situation
Every day, we should be getting better. When it comes to your finances, you may not see day-to-day improvement, but you can absolutely see year-over-year improvement. If you’ve been in the same financial spot (or worse) year over year, it’s a major sign that you need to invest in help for your finances.
Your debt balances should be going down. Your savings balances should be going up. Your spending should be managed better. If these things aren’t happening on a yearly basis, things need to change in your financial situation. Whatever you’re doing isn’t working, so getting the help you need to improve is a must.
#2 Things are getting worse in your situation
While things may not be changing in your situation, what’s even worse is if things are moving backwards! If you’re getting progressively worse year-over-year – i.e. more debt, less cash, higher spending amounts, it’s time to invest in help for your finances. It’s so much harder to undo bad money decisions than it is to start from ground zero.
Starting from behind means you’ll have to work that much harder just to get to ground zero. I’m not saying it can’t be done, or that sometimes starting from behind can be helped. I’m saying that if you’re not improving, and things are getting worse with your money, it’s time to get help.
#3 Your debt is increasing, even though you’re paying it monthly
The thing about debt is that if you don’t get a handle on it, it will cost you a lot of money in interest. I’m speaking from experience. I let my debt grow and grow (because I didn’t have a budget and couldn’t control my spending), and it cost me. If you can’t seem to get a grip on debt, if you can’t seem to stop using your cards, if your debt is growing month over month, it’s time to get help.
Work with a debt consolidation company, or a money coach who can help you get a plan in place to pay your debt off. It’s hard to take that first step, but you don’t have to do it alone. There are resources to help you get through the tough situation.
#4 You can’t stop impulse spending
Impulse spending could be the result of a mental health disorder, lack of direction, or unmanaged emotions. Working with someone can help you pinpoint what may need to happen to help you curb your impulses. Maybe you need therapy and medicine. Maybe you need a budget that tells you what you can afford to spend. Maybe you need a different way to handle emotions.
It’s hard to figure those things out on your own. You may recognize you have a problem, but if you don’t know what to do to fix it, you should seek the help of someone who knows what your next steps could be.
#5 You’re constantly anxious and stressed about money
I don’t think anyone escapes 0% stress and anxiety with money (if someone does, please let me know how), but I do think a constant state of stress and anxiety about money shouldn’t be the norm. It doesn’t have to be the norm. You can work with someone who helps you work out a game plan for your situation. That alone should bring some relief.
Constant anxiety around money puts you in a scarcity mindset. Living in that mindset means you can’t make room for abundance and good things to happen. If you’re constantly anxious and stressed about money, it’s time to invest in help and resources for your situation. Invest your time in learning or consuming content that can help. Invest your money into working with someone that can help. You don’t always have to live in a state of fear.
#6 You’ve exhausted all options on your own
If you’ve tried everything in your power to improve your financial situation, and nothing has worked up until this point, don’t keep beating a dead horse. It’s time to put your time and money up to work with someone who can help you break free. Your current situation, especially if it’s an unhealthy one, doesn’t have to be the norm.
When there’s nothing more for you to do, it’s okay to seek the guidance of someone else. In fact, it’s for the best! Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Start with a “Google” search or talk to someone you admire. The longer you wait or hold it in, the longer until you get the happiness you deserve.
Related: 7 Signs You Need a Finance Coach
It’s not fun to recognize you need help with your finances (or any part of life), but you must let that go! The longer you put off finding a real solution, the longer it will be until you can see success in your life and goals. If any of the signs I shared above apply to you, request a call with me and let’s talk about it. You’re not obligated to anything, and sometimes a conversation can be the catalyst to change.
Have you invested in help for your finances? What signs did you have when you made the investment? Sharing your story and experiences can help others, so drop a comment below to let us know!
The CGS Team