#6: How I Curbed My Desire to Spend

Before City Girl Savings, there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t spend my money on.

I would constantly be out shopping – buying clothes, shoes, and other material things.

After facing a potential eviction, I was forced to get my spending in check.

There’s a different level of drive when you’re forced to do something!

After moving back to Austin, I was no longer forced to keep my spending in check. I had to make the conscious effort.

I gave myself limits whenever I would go to stores that sparked me to spend.

I learned that I’m a natural-born spender, so I have to always be mindful and prioritize what’s important, so I don’t fall back into old ways.

Eventually I started avoiding places that triggered me to overspend – malls, department stores, retail websites.

I shifted my focus to the things that mattered most to me.

I value experiences over material things.

I prefer stability over instability – financial security is a powerful form of stability for me.

I started setting and achieving goals. Anything that wasn’t helping me get closer to my goals wasn’t important and didn’t need money dedicated to it.

I factored in “fun spending” into my budget.

Having a limit kept me in check but also helped me feel like I wasn’t deprived. Deprivation often leads to impulse splurging.

Start getting clear on what matters most to you! Focus on those things and you’ll find the desire to spend when you don’t need to slowly subsides!

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [01:20] There were two specific times in my life where I had to curb my desire to spend. One of those times, I had no choice. The other, I made the conscious effort.
  • [04:31] Although I was forced to get my spending in order, it helped propel me into the mindset of wanting to avoid overspending so that I could get ahead in life.
  • [06:53] I learned an important lesson about myself – I’m a natural-born spender. I can always find something to spend my money on.
  • [11:50] Keeping my goals front and center allows me to constantly remind myself that I shouldn’t overspend, especially if it’s going to be at the expense of my goals and dreams.

Click here to listen!

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Download the CGS Money Moves Packet

Free 5 Day Money Mindset and Manifestation Challenge

Let me create a realistic budget plan for you!



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