5 Ways Your Bad Work Day is Out of Your Control

Every day is different than the last, and unless you’re a psychic you wouldn’t know what the day brings. With that being said, everyone has their bad days, but it’s what you make of it that determines if it’s more than just a bad work day to count for the books. In many cases, we get caught up in the entire negative things around us that we immediately assume today is going to be a bad day.

In fact, if you get a flat tire heading to work, run a stop sign and get pulled over for a traffic ticket, and ultimately end up late to work, can we assume that your work day will just be bad because it started off wrong? Check out these 5 signs to help determine if your bad work day is simply out of your control. And remember, we shouldn’t stress about the things we have no control over!

Power Outage

Experiencing a power outage can be annoying and a major inconvenience. When the power is out in your city there is a chain of events that usually take place and lead your day downhill. Events such as, having no alarm to wake you up to get ready, or no lights to see what you look like as you get ready. Little things like that we take for granted even though they help us start our day off right. Having a power outage is a catalyst for the rest of your day. Although this is out of your control, try to fight the urge to let it ruin the rest of your day.

Technical Difficulties

Nowadays email and other forms of communication are considered highly effective in larger companies. Emailing a colleague regarding the status of a project is important especially when its time sensitive. However, when the company is having technical difficulties with sending and receiving emails it can affect the work progress of the employee and company whole. Technical difficulties similar to power outages are out of your control, so the best thing for you to do is not to take offense and try your best to be as effective as possible with the tools you have.


Miscommunication is the number one fail at work. Many times, managers and other employees appear to have communicated something effectively but haven’t. Similar to a domino effect, the miscommunication within a company is a recipe for disaster. On one hand you can avoid miscommunication among employees and on the other miscommunication can easily slip through and cause a bad day quickly. Like a wild fire miscommunication can go from bad to worse within minutes! Read 9 Things to Never Say at Work to avoid falling into the miscommunication trap!

Under the Weather

Being sick is the worst! You aren’t yourself and everything seems to be tough. When you are under the weather, it’s probably best to stay home and get better compared to fighting through it and going into the office. When you’re at the office sick, people believe you’re well enough to work at your normal level when that may not be the case. When you’re sick and continue to push through, it sometimes doesn’t work in your favor and can lead to you having a worse day than you thought. Stay home, get rest, and take your medicine otherwise you’ll be having a day you didn’t anticipate.

Lack of Staff

In certain times of the year, the majority of people appear out of the office at one time. Whether its vacation, out sick, or maybe just working from home with limited email access. Usually when staff is low in the office it’s up to the individual in the office to pick up the slack to keep the wheels going. It can be a lot for you for to have to deal with on top of your regular workload. The best thing for you to do is stay positive and put your best foot forward. Your efforts to pick up the slack won’t go unnoticed.


No matter what life tries to bring your way, remember you are a warrior and anything you put your mind to you can achieve. Have you ever had a bad day where you just felt like throwing in the towel? How do you deal with days like that? Comment below with the tips you find helpful!

The CGS Team



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