5 Career Goals to Set for the New Year

5 Career Goals to Set for the New Year

A New Year always brings a new mindset. Though instead of waiting to make your new year resolutions, take this time to set your career goals now, so they can be reaped in the New Year. The cool thing about career goals to set is you can make and change them whenever you want!

Give yourself permission to be fluid with the things you want from your job and overall career. Remember, the only person in charge of your destiny is you. So, if you want to make the most of it, check out some goals to consider setting for your career this New Year!

Career Goals to Set for the New Year

#1 Time Management

Time is our most precious resource. As we all know, time waits for no person. All the more reason to take control of your time and use it accordingly. Time management helps provide us a clear picture of what we need to do and where we are, in relation to the things we need to do. If you don’t know where you are, how do you expect to further your life in a positive trajectory? Time management allows you the ability to use your time effectively or productively, especially in workplace environments.

If someone doesn’t learn the skills of having a healthy management of time, then procrastination can slowly sneak in. The goal is to increase efficiency and be as productive with your dedicated time as possible. A good way to build the routine is by setting alarms to remind you of any agenda items that are needing to be tended to. Whatever you do, don’t hit that snooze button! It may be difficult in the beginning, but the positive results will be rewarding. Check out 6 Time Management Tips for the Office for some additional help.

#2 Fill Your Cup

As women, it’s so easy for us to pour into others, leaving our own cups empty. Remember, if your cup isn’t full, then how can you get up and motivate yourself to be the best version of yourself. You must show up for you by any means necessary because if you won’t do it for you then who will?

How does one fill their cup up you may ask? Instead of waking up early on days you are off from work, let your body sleep in and get some much-needed rest. Maybe after a long day at work on your feet you just need a good spa day. Treat yourself to that spa day, self-care is a perfect form of filling your cup up. Operating on full helps you reach all the goals you set out to achieve – especially in the workplace!

#3 Develop a New Skill

A fantastic career goal to set is learning a new skill! Take a moment to get outside of your comfort zone and learn something new. Doing the same thing over and over isn’t only boring, but very redundant which can cause a person to lose enthusiasm. The majority of workplaces are finding themselves dependent on technology due to those still concerned with the COVID 19 virus.

Now you don’t have to be a wiz at computers but learning a new skill with technology could be beneficial. Your new skill doesn’t have to be technology focused either. In fact, developing a new skill related to what you currently do can have lasting benefits. Say you’re a hairstylist and you want to develop a new skill of installing extensions. By developing that new skill set you have opened your network for new clientele, which means more profit for you.

#4 Further Your Network 

Growing your network can help you get where you want to go faster. The larger your network, the more opportunities you have. If you’re a person who finds it difficult to network, try beginning by connecting with the folks you see frequently but don’t interact with.

For instance, the coworkers you don’t speak to often could be a great place to start. You already have something to spark a conversation about (you work at the same place) and this is the first step in coming out of your comfort zone. Additionally, this is an easy way to build your confidence to attend future events and meet others who have similar interests as you. Developing connections is important to make advancements in your life and career.

#5 Level Up

Leveling up is always a wonderful feeling. To know your efforts are being recognized displays that you are on track to achieving the things you set your mind to. If moving upward in your career has been on your mind, speak to your direct manager regarding opportunities available in the company that you may be a perfect fit for.

It can be intimidating when speaking to your boss because you do not know how they may respond, however just know one of two things can happen: one – you get the promotion or two – you learn how to get the promotion. A closed door does not signify you did something bad; it just means you have to enter another one to arrive in the correct room!

Related: Setting Goals for Your Career

It’s important to push yourself and try new things, especially within your career. If you’re not progressing and staying stagnant you will never experience the beauty that comes with achieving goals. So, get up, get out and set those goals!

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