25 Ways to Level Up Your Money in 2025

Welcome to the year of the Level Up! That’s right! 2025 is our year to level up our money. Not only because of the way 2024 ended, but because we don’t know the future. And because we don’t know the future, we need to do everything in our individual power to build financial stability. Money is power. The more money you have, the more options you can give yourself.

If you’re looking for some ways to level up your money in 2025, look no further. Every year I like to kick off the start of a new year with some fresh ideas on how to improve your financial situation. Whether you knock one item off this list or all 25, you’ll be better off just by taking action. Keep reading for 25 ways to level up your money in 2025.

25 Ways to Level Up Your Money in 2025

#1 Work with a money coach

Look. I’ve been doing these “level up” posts every year since 2017. 17 Things to Do for Your Finances in 2017. 18 Changes to Make to Your Finances in 2018. 19 Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2019. You get the picture.

The real question is…are you leveling up your finances every year? If the answer is “no”. Then I strongly suggest you start working with a money coach. Time is of the essence. The earlier you start doing the right things by your money, the earlier you’ll get to the life you desire.

If things haven’t been improving, you’ll need someone to help you get to the next level. A money coach can be that someone. Think I may be the money coach for you? Request a complimentary call with me and let’s discuss in detail!

#2 Read more personal finance books

Maybe you’re not ready to work with a money coach (it is a big step). Maybe you can’t afford to work with someone just yet. That doesn’t mean you can’t improve your personal finance knowledge. A low-cost way to do that is by reading more personal finances books. Check out 5 Books That Changed How I Handle Money for some suggestions.

#3 Start investing in the stock market

Remember how I said, “time is of the essence”? This is probably most true when it comes to investing in the stock market. The earlier you start, the more time your money has to grow and compound, and the bigger returns you will see. Make 2025 the year you start regularly investing in the stock market.

#4 Increase your 401k (or retirement plan) contributions

Usually every year, the IRS increases the 401k contribution annual limit. This is because the cost of living increases every year. Follow suit by making sure you increase your contribution amount every year. Start with just 1% and work towards maxing out.

#5 Increase your current income streams

If going through a global pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we need to diversify our income. We need more than one way to make money. Level up your money in 2025 by adding a new income stream to your portfolio.

#6 Listen to the City Girl Savings Podcast

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts.

Subscribe on Spotify.

Subscribe on YouTube. Period.

#7 Request a complimentary call with me

Unsure what direction to take in your finances? Think you may need more personalized support? Request a complimentary 30-minute call with me and let’s have a conversation. There’s no expectation of a sale.

#8 Add more to your current Emergency Fund savings

Where do you currently sit with your emergency fund? $500? $1000? 3 months of expenses? 6 months of expenses? Wherever you’re currently at, make 2025 the year you add more to your emergency fund. We don’t know what the next 4 years are going to look like, so why not give yourself a little extra piece of mind?

#9 Get your sinking funds set up

Sinking funds are a great way to save for things that come up, but not necessarily monthly. Things like a 6-month auto insurance premium, or Christmas! Set up your sinking funds now and start saving regularly for those things. Check out 10 Sinking Funds to Include in Your Budget for some ideas.

#10 Add more assets to your portfolio

Are you tracking your net worth? You should be. Your net worth is the total value of all your assets, less the total value of all your liabilities (AKA debts). To level up your money in 2025, add more assets to your portfolio. This could be more stocks, more savings accounts, or even property.

#11 Find ways to cut costs, even if it’s temporary

I think a skill we should all be good at is being able to lean up when the time calls for it. The only way you’ll be good at that skill is with practice. Once a month, spend a week cutting costs. Try a spending fast, or intentionally control your spending.

#12 Make sure your budget plan is effective

No matter how much or how little you make, you need a budget. If you’ve had a budget and it hasn’t really worked for you, do something about it. Read 5 Things an Effective Budget Always Has for some guidance. You can also let me create a custom budget plan for you!

#13 Encourage your friends to be better with money

You are the average of the 5 people you hang around. If you’re working to improve your financial situation, encourage your close friends to do the same. You’ll all be better off for it!

#14 Stop ignoring your money issues

No more ignoring your problems with money. No more pretending your money issues don’t exist. Make 2025 the year you take ownership of fixing your financial problems.

#15 Consume more personal finance content on a regular basis

Need some ideas on ways you can consume more personal finance content? You can listen to podcasts, read personal finance books, take online classes, listen to audiobooks, read financial articles, or join virtual finance communities.

#16 Ask for a raise at work

I’m all about getting more money for the work I’m already doing. The same should go for your job. If you haven’t received a raise in over a year, ask for one! Even if you don’t get it, at least your manager will know it’s on your mind…which can make a difference in the future.

#17 Get clear on your financial goals and how you’ll achieve them

A goal without a plan is just a wish. If you set financial goals for 2025, make sure they have an action plan tied to them. How will you achieve your goals? What steps will you take on a regular basis to make sure you’re working on your goals?

#18 Stop carrying a balance on your credit card

This may not be an overnight task, but it’s definitely worth working towards. Balances on your credit cards that accrue interest are costing you so much extra. Make it a point to pay down your credit cards and avoid carrying a balance altogether.

#19 Increase your current H.S.A/F.S.A contribution

Remember how I said the IRS increases 401k contributions every year? The same goes for F.S.A and H.S.A accounts! I recommend increasing what you currently have going into those accounts, so you can get further tax benefits.

#20 Audit your accounts for any unknown fees

When was the last time you reviewed your bank and credit account statements? If the answer is over a month, I want you to audit your accounts for any fees you may be charged that you aren’t aware of.

#21 Cancel subscriptions you aren’t using

Piggybacking off the last tip…in addition to looking for fees, look for any subscriptions and cancel the ones you don’t use. Consider going back through the last quarter’s worth of statements to make sure you’re aware of quarterly subscriptions as well.

#22 Review your credit reports (not just your score)

It’s easy to fixate on your credit score, but what’s more important is what goes into that score. That information can only be found in your credit reports. Take some time to download your 3 credit reports from www.annualcreditreport.com.

#23 Organize your tax documents now

Tax filing day is around the corner! Don’t wait until the last minute to get everything ready. Start organizing your tax documents now – whether that’s receipts, tax forms or other supporting documentation.

#24 Get clear on what your dream life looks like

If you were living your dream life right now, what would you be doing? If you don’t have an answer or haven’t thought about it, you’re doing yourself a disservice. The brain is a powerful instrument. When you desire something and visualize it, you start taking steps (consciously or unconsciously) to get closer to that desire. Start thinking about your dream life and picture yourself in it!

#25 Try 1-week long spending fast per month

CGS Team Member Lena did a 5-month no spend challenge! You don’t have to go that extreme (unless you want to), but I do recommend starting with a 1-week spending fast and building up to doing it monthly!

Related: 24 Things to Do for Your Money in 2024

Each of the ideas above can help you level up your money in 2025. There is no better time than the present to start doing the right things with your money. I’d love to know which of the actions you’ll be taking, so drop a comment below to share!

The CGS Team



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