#168: Rewind: How I Curbed My Desire to Spend

In this week’s City Girl Savings Podcast episode, the first of our rewind series, we’re rewinding to one of my first episodes of the podcast – How I Curbed My Desire to Spend.

I chose this episode to rewind to because it lays out the 2 specific phases of my life where I intentionally decided to control my spending.

First, when I had no choice and second, when I wanted to make something of the additional income I started to have.

Each scenario taught me something about controlling my spending. It’s actually much easier to keep your spending in check when you don’t have a choice.

When I had more disposable income, but still needed to focus on my goals, controlling my spending was much harder. However, building that muscle has made it much easier to spend with intention now.

This episode also breaks down the habits that helped me curb my desire to spend for the long haul.

These weren’t quick fixes, but true behavioral changes that impacted my impulse to shop and accumulate material things.

One of those impactful changes was making sure my budget allowed me some room to enjoy the things I love. I can’t afford to overspend on those things, but ensuring I could indulge regularly made a huge difference in my long-term budgeting habits.

I hope you can take something from my experiences and apply it to your own situation – especially if you struggle with overspending. Enjoy this first episode of our rewind series.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [01:20] There were two specific times in my life where I had to curb my desire to spend. One of those times, I had no choice. The other, I made the conscious effort.
  • [04:31] Although I was forced to get my spending in order, it helped propel me into the mindset of wanting to avoid overspending so that I could get ahead in life.
  • [06:53] I learned an important lesson about myself – I’m a natural-born spender. I can always find something to spend my money on.
  • [11:50] Keeping my goals front and center allows me to constantly remind myself that I shouldn’t overspend, especially if it’s going to be at the expense of my goals and dreams.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Let Raya create a custom budget plan for you! Get started here.

Download the CGS Money Moves Packet

Free 5 Day Money Mindset and Manifestation Challenge

Learn about Raya’s Financial Focus Coaching Program

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