#132: 7 Bad Money Habits Keeping You Broke

No one actually wants to live paycheck to paycheck, but they also don’t want to stop the habits that are keeping them in that vicious cycle.

When it comes to your money, the last thing you want to do is waste it!

Being fully aware of what bad habits are making or keeping you broke and working to fix them can help you better manage the money you do have.

In this episode, I’m sharing 7 bad habits keeping you broke so you can work to fix them!

Remember, when you know better, you can do better!

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [02:33] Don’t have a budget? Grab a copy of Raya’s free Monthly Budget Overview Tracker
  • [05:22] Comparing your situation to what you see on someone else’s social media page is useless. It can also cause bad spending behavior.
  • [09:18] Focus on building up a short-term emergency fund. Save an amount that feels good to you and use it when something unexpected happens.
  • [14:14] Ignoring your debt is a habit that can keep you broke for much longer than you’d like. You must face the music!
  • [17:56] Gratitude is the starting point for shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

Download the free Monthly Budget Overview Tracker

Let Raya create a budget plan for you!

Listen to CGS Podcast Episode 31 – How I Combat the Competition Mindset

Listen to CGS Podcast Episode 6 – How I Curbed My Desire to Spend

Listen to CGS Podcast Episode 35 – Breaking Free of Broke Once and For All

Learn about Raya’s Financial Focus Coaching Program

Follow City Girl Savings on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok

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Watch the Episode on YouTube!



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