#126: 5 Life Lessons I Learned from My Mom

Good or bad, we learn so much from our parents.

Whether we end up being just like them or the opposite, there’s no doubt that our parental interactions shape who we are as adults.

In honor of Mother’s Day and this one being the first one I celebrate without my mom, I wanted to take the time to share some of the biggest life lessons I’ve learned from her.

In this episode I’m sharing the most impactful life lessons learned from my mom.

I was lucky enough to be blessed with two amazing parents who just happened to leave my life earlier than I would have wanted.

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [02:04] Raya’s mom lost her parents early in life also. Raya shares a little background on how her mom grew up and lost her parents.
  • [06:12] Even though Raya’s mom was struggling with a terminal illness, she never complained or had bouts of negativity. She was a true warrior.
  • [11:00] Raya shares a memory of her mom taking control of her weight. She got herself on a diet and was able to lose a lot of weight through consistency.
  • [15:55] Growing up, Raya and her brother heard “no” a lot from their mom. Raya’s mom was never afraid to say no to buying things they didn’t need.
  • [19:05] Raya’s mom didn’t need to worry about money or finances later in life. She had what she needed to cover everything throughout her health battle.

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