10 Things City Girl Savings is Thankful For

Happy Thanksgiving! What better day to take a minute and appreciate all that you are grateful for?! We’re taking our own advice! The CGS Team is taking the time to share 10 things we are thankful for with all of you! We hope that you are inspired by our admission of thankfulness and share what you are thankful for!

#1 CGS is Thankful for our Clients

To all of the 60+ women who gave City Girl Savings a chance to help them reach their financial goals with our budget plans and coaching sessions, we thank you!

#2 CGS is Thankful for our Members

To all of the 2300 members who have joined the City Girl Savings community, we thank you!

#3 CGS is Thankful for our Readers

This one is a little harder to put in numeric terms! We thank all of our readers, regardless if you have joined the community or not!

#4 CGS is Thankful for our Followers

For all of the 276 Twitter followers, 500+ Newsletter subscribers, 1,016 Facebook likes, 2,200 Instagram followers, and 4,950 LinkedIn followers – we are so grateful!

#5 CGS is Thankful for our Founder

City Girl Savings would like to take the time to share our appreciation for our Founder Raya Reaves. Without her hard work, determination, and desire to teach, City Girl Savings would not be here.

#6 CGS is Thankful for our Contributors

Thank you to all of our content contributors, community managers, and everyone else who has contributed to City Girl Savings!

#7 CGS is Thankful for all of the Praise we have Received

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave a review, express their appreciation, or share positive praise for City Girl Savings!

#8 CGS is Thankful for all the Women Working towards their Goals

Thank you to all of the women working hard our there to make something of themselves! We appreciate you!

#9 CGS is Thankful for the Opportunity to Spread Our Message

We are thankful to have the platforms we do to spread our message and empower women to reach financial success!

#10 CGS is Thankful for Reaching our 2016 Goals

Thank you to everyone who made it possible for City Girl Savings to reach our 2016 goals! We will be sharing a recap of this year’s goals and our goals for next year in the upcoming weeks.


We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season! What are you thankful for?

-The CGS Team



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