10 Goals to Make the Most of Your Life in the New Year

I want you to think about something for a second. Think about your life and how quickly time has gone up until this point. It’s pretty crazy, right?! The thing about time is that it will keep going, whether you decide to make moves or not. I always try to make the most of my time, because if I don’t, I’ll just need more of it down the line. I think setting goals (and working towards them) is a great way to make the most of your time. In fact, you can set goals to make the most of your life, in the new year or at any point in time.

I’m going to get into the importance of setting goals a little later in this article, but the biggest thing I want you to keep in mind as you read this post is that time waits for no one. Time will continue to pass us all by. So, we can either make the most of the time we have now, or we can prolong living the life we really want. With that said, I’m sharing 10 goals to make the most of your life in the new year.

Why You Should Set Goals

Before I dive into setting the goals to make the most of your life, let’s talk about why you should set goals in the first place. I’ve written quite a few articles on goal-setting, and through my research, I’ve found that people who set goals are more likely to achieve success then people who don’t set goals.

In fact, a Harvard Business Study found that:

  • 83% of the population does not have goals
  • 14% have a plan in mind, but are unwritten goals
  • 3% have goals written down

The study also found that the 14% who have goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals. The 3% with written goals are 3 times more successful than the 14% with unwritten goals.

With that being said, wouldn’t it be worth setting goals? Just the simple act of having goals in mind (not even written down) will make you more successful than if you didn’t have goals in mind. Take it a step further and write those goals down, and you’ll increase your chances of success by 3 times! I don’t think there is a more important reason to start setting goals.

Goals to Make the Most of Your Life in the New Year

Now that you know why it’s so important to set goals, let’s talk about 10 goals to set to make the most of your life in the new year. I’ve broken these goals down into different categories: Personal, Financial and Professional. You don’t want to overdue how many goals you work on at once, but you do want to make sure you aren’t neglecting any area of life.

Personal Goals

Read 10 Books a Year

Research has been done to show that educated, affluent women read the most. That’s us, right?! Or, that will be us one day! The research also found that the most frequently reported number of books being read annually was 4. I challenge you to read 10 books a year!

Reading has so many benefits. Some of the benefits of reading include increased communication skills, increased open-mindedness, and the ability to think outside of the box more often. There is no requirement for the types of books you want to read. Fiction, non-fiction, autobiographies, or educational books are all great options.

Learn a New Language

The ability to speak more than one language is well-respected. If you already speak more than one language, imagine learning another?! Learning a new language helps increase brain functionality and improves your memory. Take on the challenge of learning a new language to show yourself what you are capable of doing.

Eat Healthy 80% of the Time

I don’t believe in extreme anything – extreme dieting, extreme budgeting, or extreme spending. I believe everything needs to happen in moderation. Without moderation, we can feel deprived and ultimately end up doing something we shouldn’t. Which could result in undoing a lot of progress.

When it comes to dieting, and being healthy overall, I believe a good rule of thumb to follow is to eat healthy 80% of the time. For example, if you eat healthy throughout the work week, then you can enjoy a cheat meal on the weekend. Eating healthy can be very vague, so I’d say eat anything natural, unprocessed, and with limited sugar.

Start Journaling

One common trait of successful people is the fact that they journal on a regular (if not daily) basis. Journaling allows you to get your thoughts on paper. It allows you to write out your vision for the future and the things you want to accomplish. Journaling also allows you to reflect on how far you’ve come and practice gratitude along the way.

Journaling is a powerful practice that can be hard to make a habit. It takes effort to journal on a daily basis, but the benefits you get from it are worth it. Check out the article 6 Tips to Help You Start Journaling for some guidance on getting started with it!

Financial Goals

Reach the 5-Figure Savings Mark

I don’t want this goal to scare you…at least, not too much! We should be setting goals that excite us and scare us a little bit. A financial goal to make the most of your life is to reach 5 figures in savings (anything above $10,000). I’m not talking your retirement account, though that’s great as well. I’m talking about your regular savings account.

Reaching the 5-figure savings mark, in a liquid savings account, gives you a sense of pride, security and gratitude. You accomplished something that a lot of people haven’t. More importantly, you proved to yourself that you can save that much and not spend it. That is something worth working towards!

Find an Additional Income Source

I hate to say it, but long gone are the days of having one income source and living comfortably off of it. There’s just too much debt, too little savings, and even less wealth building. One income source can make sure your bills are covered, but you need more to get ahead.

To build wealth, you need to save and invest. You also need to make sure all debts are paid off. The only way to do that is to make sure you have more than enough money coming in. There are plenty of ways to bring in more money. You can get a part-time job, drive for Lyft/Uber, sell items online, become a tutor, create digital products, and more.

Make it a goal in the new year to find an additional income source. If you can find more than one, great! If not, starting with one additional source of income will be just fine. 

Open an Investment Account

As I mentioned above, the best way to build wealth is to invest. Investing sounds scary and that’s because it’s not frequently talked about, nor is it taught. Investing doesn’t have to be scary though! There are plenty of options out there that don’t require you to have extensive knowledge or training to invest your money.

Check out the article 5 Easy Ways to Start Investing. I walk readers through a few simple ways to get started with investing with little cash. I would suggest that you have your debt paid off (or on track to be paid off) and an emergency fund set up before you dive into investing.

Professional Goals

Find a Mentor

A mentor can be your advocate when you’re not in the room. Having someone to teach you skills that don’t necessarily come from the job can be a powerful tool to grow in your career. Not only does a mentor help you develop professionally, it can help expand your network. If you don’t have a mentor moving into the new year, make it a goal to find and work with one.

Negotiate Your Next Raise or Salary

For reasons beyond the scope of this article, women do not negotiate their worth, nor ask for what they deserve. Men are more likely to negotiate and ask for more than women are. That’s a shame! Women are so worthy, and yet we still don’t ask for what we deserve.

Vow to change that, within your own life! The next job you apply for, negotiate your salary. Sometimes the employer can’t budge on the salary, but you can ask for other things (extended vacation time, work from home capability, etc.). Also, you can take pride knowing that you asked for what you’re worth, regardless of how it pans out.

You can also negotiate your next raise, if you aren’t looking for another job. While some raises are already predetermined, just asking for more alerts your manager that you are ready for a raise. Your work should show that you’re ready for the raise as well, so make sure you are going above and beyond in your day-to-day job role.

Invest in Your Success

The final goal to make the most of the new year is to invest in your success. Work with a coach, take a training class or workshop, subscribe to a professional network, take a public speaking class. Do something to learn new things or take your current skill set to the next level. Investing in your success is one of the best investments a person can make.

It shows that you are willing to put money or time up to get yourself to the next level. Most people don’t take their skillset to the next level, and they stay average. We don’t want to be average. We want to be above average! Find something this next year that you can invest in to get further ahead. It’s worth every penny!

Related: 10 Self-Development Goals to Aspire For


The new year is a great time to set goals, but you can set goals any time of the year. The goals listed above will help you make the most of your life from here on out. Put in the work, and you will get the results! What goals do you have set for the new year? What goals have you already accomplished? Share your goals by commenting below!

The CGS Team



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