#10: Conquering the Fear of Failure and Redefining Success

“I’m worried again. I’m worried I won’t be able to make CGS a self-sustaining business that I can run full time and still survive.”

This was a journal entry I had written on 4/10/2019.

Nearly a year earlier I had made the decision that I wanted to run City Girl Savings full-time…and that’s when the fear started to rear its ugly head.

Over time, I sought out the skills, tools, and resources I needed to become a person who didn’t let a fear of failure stop them.

Journaling was the true game-change for me.

I’ve been writing my goals down for nearly 14 years, but I didn’t start consistently journaling until 2018, coincidentally right after I turned 30 and realized that I wanted to be a full-time business owner!

It’s like some part of me knew that I needed to become a next-level Raya to eventually reach that goal.

I’m a much faster typist than writer, so I’ve been typing my journal entries. I have a document for each year, and I specify the day.

After reading “The Power of Now”, I was able to have effective journaling sessions with myself. I would ask questions and truly seek the answers.

Daily affirmations were a very powerful resource for me as well.

I would journal my beliefs – things I believed to be true about myself.

There were many other journal sessions around my fear of failing and they all lead me to this realization:

I define “Failure” and I’ve already decided that I could never be a failure because of all that I’ve done up until this point. Forget about what hasn’t been done, that’s only icing on the cake.

I also realized that unless I’m dying or on the verge of dying, this “fear” I have is unnecessary.

That’s how I conquered my fear of failure.

As far as redefining success, I stopped defining success by what society says and started thinking about what a successful life really looked like to me.

Once I got clear on that, I was able to see that I’m already a success!

Here’s a glance at this episode:

  • [03:25] I learned that typing out my journal entries was much more sustainable. I think much faster than I write, so typing made sense and continues to be a daily practice for my journaling sessions.
  • [04:55] I break down a journal entry I had years ago that shows my fears as thoughts and how I shifted the narrative as I was journaling those worries.
  • [07:45] After reading The Power of Now, I was able to have conversations with myself and ask questions to get to the root of my thoughts.
  • [12:30] The true way to kick the fear of “failure” in the butt is defining what failure means to you and making sure you never get to that place.

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

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